18, Submissive Does Not Equal Omega

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After Yenthyr fully recovered, we drained the tub and returned to their quarters. Ieli had long since finished his own bath and was lounging in their bed in a fluffy robe. But despite his position, I could still see the stress and worry on his face.

He didn't question where we'd been. He only asked if everything was okay, if Bartok had said anything detrimental. Yenthyr assured him that they were still safe, but they were close to crossing a line. He informed him of the new muzzle rule for me, and the new quality time rule for Ieli. The smaller vampire wasn't happy with either of those things, and he searched for ways we could loophole those rules. Yenthyr said he didn't even want to try that, it was too risky.

"So, what, we keep him gagged twenty four seven except to eat, and I don't get to snuggle with you or trail the garden with you anymore?" Ieli asked, throwing his hands up in show of his exasperation.

Yenthyr's lips parted as he began to say something, but he didn't meet Ieli's eyes. It took a moment for him to say something. "I don't want this," he whispered. His tone said it all. He was tired, and trapped. He hated this as much as we did, but there was nothing he could do.

Ieli's visage softened at that. He understood, and he didn't argue anymore.

For the next few nights, that's how it was. Yenthyr reluctantly kept a flat leather gag over my mouth, and stayed away from Ieli except during breakfast and dinner, and bed. Ieli was sour about it, and often kept me at his side as he attempted to distract himself with his books. The gag quickly became irritating to me, and I scratched at its edges and picked at the straps, to the point Ieli had to grab hold of my wrists and keep them in his grasp.

Often times he couldn't take it, and would haul me with him down to the garden to either help me practice my swimming, or to take walks with me and rant at length about the vampires living in the castle. If we were far enough away and well hidden, he would relinquish me of my gag and let me stretch my jaw.

There came the night when my weekly meeting with Doctor Sang was scheduled. Before he was supposed to arrive, though, something occurred to me. I unstrapped my gag and stepped up a safe distance away from Yenthyr's desk.

"Master?" I asked Yenthyr, inconveniently while he was working. I hoped the use of his title would help keep whatever negative reaction he might have at bay.

Yenthyr didn't look away from his computer screen, too involved to turn his full attention elsewhere yet. "Yes, Malik?"

"I don't think it's a good idea for Doctor Sang to come here," I said uncertainly. "I... I think your family might find out about him and... I don't think they'll be happy."

At the mention of Sang's name, Yenthyr finally turned his gaze away and looked at me. "What are you suggesting?" he asked. "I know you don't want to stop seeing him."

"I don't," I agreed. "I remember you said he had set up a temporary lab nearby. Could I go to him instead?"

Yenthyr tapped his pen on his desk as he thought it over. Half of me felt anxious at facing his rejection, and the other half was simmering in hope. 

"If you go through our cargo entrance, and you keep something on you at all times, then... yes," he said. My eyebrows shot up.

"Really?" I responded, excitement rising in my chest. Yenthyr stood up and walked over to the bdsm wardrobe. My excitement stuttered to a halt. 

He opened the doors. "If you promise to go straight there and come back. Consider this a tracking device of sorts," he said, reaching inside and rummaging around until he pulled out a gold cuff, meant to be worn around the forearm as jewelry. I exhaled in relief, grateful it wasn't some slightly sexual bondage.

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