6, Something New

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As I waited, the fizzing faded. I realized where I was, and that I was going to be punished again. 

Yenthyr and Ieli were murmuring in the main room, and I scooted over next to the cracked-open door of my 'room' and listened.

"You're saying he was...?" Ieli said, trailing off.

"He wasn't the same frustrating Malik we know. The bratty spitfire. He was someone else. Someone... smaller. I don't quite know how else to put it," Yenthyr explained. Ieli hummed thoughtfully.

"Do you think this is the bipolar thing that other pet thought he had?" Ieli suggested. 

"Possibly," Yenthyr replied. "I just know I saw a shift in him. It was brief, but it was there."

A small moment of quiet passed as they thought some more. "Last night, when I was talking with him, I asked him to tell me his story in order to figure out what made him the way he is. And he told me there was nothing, no story to tell," Ieli responded.

"You think he might have something in his past that could be the explanation of his behavior and his mindset?" Yenthyr asked. 

"Yes. Before you do anything with him, I'd like him to fill out this form," Ieli responded. Another moment of quiet passed, along with some rustling of paper. 

"Will this give you your answers?" Yenthyr asked him. 

"It's worth a shot," Ieli replied. Then one of them sighed. "So... how are we dealing with him tonight?"

"I don't quite think he needs a punishment. He regrets what he did and he apologized without fighting it, and the servants were a bit out of line with their gossiping. But, I do have something else in mind," Yenthyr said.

"Oh?" inquired Ieli.

"Mmm... he's not going to like it. But I have a feeling that it'll be a good start in breaking down his pride and anger," Yenthyr told him. "That's where our focus with him needs to be."

"Do you want my help?" Ieli asked.

"Yes, my love, I would appreciate it," Yenthyr answered. I heard footsteps start to head over to the closet, and I quickly scooted back onto my cushion so it wouldn't be obvious that I was eavesdropping.

The door swung open, and Ieli stood there, holding a piece of paper in hand. "Malik, I'd like for you to fill this out," he told me. I hunched my shoulders a little.

"What is it?" I asked skeptically. Ieli came in and set the paper and a pen down on the small floor table. 

"Just a form for your personal information. For record purposes," he said. I knew the last bit was a lie, but I didn't call him out on it. I just shuffled over to the table and took a look at the paper. It seemed like any other form you'd fill out for a doctor's office or an employment application. I wondered how Ieli thought this would give him the answers he was looking for. 

Shrugging it off, I filled it out. It didn't take me too long, and Ieli waited patiently by the door, occasionally glancing out into the main room, where I could faintly hear Yenthyr moving around. Probably setting up whatever he had planned for me. 

When I was done, Ieli took the paper back. "Come with me," he ordered. I rose and followed him out into the main room, feeling reluctance and nervousness creep into my body the closer I got. When we emerged from the closet, I spotted Yenthyr standing over by a small black mat that you'd find at a dojo or a gym, a few bdsm related things laid out on a towel next to it.

I paused and stayed by the closet door. "This isn't for a punishment, pet, but it can be if you start fighting me again," Yenthyr said. I looked away and clenched my fists again, but the gesture reminded me of the injuries I had given myself, and I uncurled my fingers. 

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