10, The Unveiling

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Currently, I was resting in my room, since I didn't have any cleaning to do and their midnight lunch had already passed. My door was cracked, and the closet door was wide open, so it was hard not to overhear the conversations between Yenthyr and Ieli.

They were generally quiet, Yenthyr busy with whatever stuff he had to do at his desk, and Ieli occupying himself with a book or some other form of entertainment. This time around, it sounded like their mail had come in, because one of them was shuffling and tearing paper. 

At one point, there was a pause in the sifting and ripping. I thought maybe they were finished, but then Ieli said, "Yenthyr, darling..." in a tone that unsettled me. It sounded like he discovered something that disturbed him. 

"Hm? What is it, my beloved?" the other vampire replied, desk chair creaking as he stood. Another long pause followed, and I assumed he was reading whatever it was that Ieli had read.

"You remember that form I had him fill out? With that information, this is what the PI found," Ieli explained. Wait a minute... Form? PI?

"This... I suddenly understand a little more about our pet, now..." Yenthyr murmured in a quietly shocked tone. I tensed up.

"I had thought maybe he was severely bullied or something as a child, but this... this is something else entirely," Ieli said in turn. If I was in my wolf body, my hackles would've raised. The form that Ieli had me fill out with my information, had it been for some kind of background check?

Another long moment of silence, probably rereading or contemplating or staring at each other with unsettled expressions. Or maybe all three. Paper rustled again, and then a few seconds later, Ieli was cautiously approaching my cracked door. 

"Malik..." he started, and his troubled face and unusual tone made me sit up. He looked at the paper in his hand, which was actually more like a small packet. "Well... perhaps I shouldn't quite call you Malik, as that isn't exactly your real name. Your birth name, so to speak."

"What?" I questioned. An increasingly intense feeling of anxiety started welling in my chest, my arms, and my stomach. It felt like I had adrenaline being fueled into my veins. But for what reason?

Yenthyr came up behind Ieli, placing a hand on his shoulder and resting his equally troubled gaze on my form in the corner. "Your birth name isn't 'Malik'. In fact, there's no 'Malik' fitting your description to be found. But there is a 'Candy'."


Adrenaline surged at full force. I gripped the cushion underneath me. 

"And this 'Candy' wasn't born as a regular werewolf. You were born as an Omega."


"Your parents were Breeders. A term we use for people who have children solely for the purpose of selling them in black market trafficking."

"How much longer?"

"I've told you a thousand times, we have to wait until he hits puberty!"

"But he should hit it any day now! Why is his internal shit not working at the same pace as every other bitch you've pushed out?"

Blurred images, voices with no faces, faces with no names, a cacophony of pain and fear and hatred and anguish and bruises and bindings and dark rooms and disgusting hands and awful smells and a promise of a life of nothing but servitude, purely against my will, purely my purpose for living. 

I am not an Omega, I am not an Omega, I am not and Omega, I am not an Omega----

I don't know what happened. The human in me hid away, the beast in me lashed out. 

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