17, Behind Closed Doors

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Right when we walked through the front doors, Yenthyr's uncle, Bartok, was crossing the threshold of the main foyer. He was coming from the spiral staircase leading up to the Head Vampire living quarters. Instantly, I felt a sickening dread and a territorial anger pool together in my stomach.

Bartok stopped in his tracks when he spotted us. His dark red eyes roved over each of us, sparing me hardly any time, but lingering long on the shopping bags and box of dessert in my hands.

Any semblance of tonight's content and calm feelings were gone. I spared a cautious glance at Yenthyr, who was back to his stoic and dominant demeanor. Any hint of his playfulness and smiles from earlier were so far gone I almost wondered if it ever happened.

"You missed dinner. What is your reason?" Bartok asked. His unforgiving tone alone had me almost stepping back a bit, but I forced myself to hold my ground. Ieli, however, shifted closer to me and carefully took hold of my wrist.

"We were taking a breather in town. I didn't expect to be out so late. I apologize," Yenthyr said.

"Did you get any work done?" Bartok demanded.

"Of course, it was my first priority," Yenthyr responded. Bartok eyed the shopping bags in my hands again.

"I will speak with you in private," he said. Ieli took the cue right away, and with a worried glance at Yenthyr, he tugged me along with him to the spiral staircase.

I followed him up the steps and into their room. Ieli nervously looked over their things, checking drawers and cabinets for anything out of place. I set the bags down by their mini bar and checked my fish tank, just in case Bartok thought it necessary to kill the fish. Luckily, they were all unharmed.

As I came back out of their closet, I spotted Ieli hesitating at Yenthyr's desk. He seemed unsure about touching anything, but eventually he opened the drawers and checked inside, only peeking, not touching. Once he looked over everything, he sighed and rubbed his face.

I moved closer to him. "Ieli?" I questioned quietly. He lifted his face from his hands and met my gaze, stress evident in his face.

"No first name basis in front of his family. Remember that," was all he said.

"Yes, Master..." I mumbled. He sighed again and brushed the backs of his fingers over my cheek. He turned his gaze to the balcony, probably hoping the calmness outside would rub off on him. But as I followed his gaze, I spotted the three chairs at the outdoor table, and stilled.

"Fuck," Ieli swore, and I was surprised it didn't come out of my mouth instead. Bartok most likely saw the third chair and lack of cushion. I could only imagine how angry he must be at something so small.

Ieli started pacing. He ran his fingers through his hair again and again, splaying it every which way. Stress grew and grew along the line of his shoulders, the edges of his face, the look in his eyes.

"Ieli?" I questioned again. He paused and closed his eyes, swallowing audibly. "Why are you scared?"

"You don't understand what kind of hold Yenthyr's family has over us. Any slip up and everything goes south. I don't think something like that would cause too big of a consequence, but..." he trailed off and took a deep breath. "It'll be fine," he said, quietly enough that I was sure he was telling it to himself and not to me. "I need a bath. Don't get into any trouble while I'm in there, okay?" he pointed an accusing finger at me.

"Yes, Master," I said, to soothe his nerves. He exhaled again and trudged over to the bathroom, where he shut the door to a crack, and began filling the tub with water.

I tried to decide which would be better: staying here and out of trouble, or going in search of Yenthyr. I had grown more curious of this whole family affair after last night and tonight, and I wanted to figure out what the real issue was.

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