🍋?🖤Broken lies🖤?🍋

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(Art above is mine 😌)
A/N: sorry if im active less, just started ✨therapy✨ again.

slight angst, makeup sex, kinky shit

2 months... Keigo and dabi had been broken up, for 2 months. But as keigo's depression resurfaced, so did dabis. It was never this bad for him. Keigo had quit working at his agency, and given up on being a hero all together, he barely got out of bed any more. By now he was pale and thin. He had lost significant amounts of weight, and was basicly wasting away, just waiting for fate to come. Dabi on the other hand took all his emotions and forced them to anger, weather that be snapping at everyone, or murder. They had a fight about dabi, or touyas past. Resulting in dabi deciding he needed a break, it was too much for him to handle. He regrets that now.

As keigo sobbed on his couch, his wings drooping against him, he finaly decided he'd had enough of it. He wanted dabi, he needed dabi. Quickly opening his phone and scrolling through discarded texts from news stations and ex-co workers, clicking on the contact labeld "bacon" pressing call. What he wasn't expecting was him to pick up on the first ring. "Fucking hell dabi! Im fucking sick of it! I can't do this anymore! I need you... Shit-" he was cut off by his own sobs, practicly spilling his emotions out. "Open your door" was all that was heard before the dial tone. Keigo sat up, shipping his face, throwing on a now over sised shirt, unlocking and opening the door. Only to be slammed into the wall behind it faster than he'd ever flown before. Turning his attention to the door as the sound of the lock clicking shut alerted him, only to have his mind torn away as he felt abnormally warm lips connect to his. "Im so fucking sorry birdie." He mumbled, grabbing his waist rather harshly, pulling him into a passionate kiss. As the kiss got heated, keigo pulled back gasping for air. "I went too far its my fault, just please never to this again, don't leave me again!" A hot tear spilled from his eyes, tracing a line down his cheek. Dabi wipped the year away, replacing it with a gently cheek kiss. "Shut up already, i fucking forgive you, I'll prove it." With that keigo gasped as he was lifted from the floor and slammed into the wall again. As he tried to process what dabi said, he was snapped from his thoughts as a warm hand began to trace around his thighs, laying flat on his growing member. Laying his head on the wall he whisperd, not so quietly, "just fuck me dabi." As his pants were pulled from him, he smiled, only to snap his eyes open as he was thrown on the couch. Dabi wasted no time in putting a finger in keigo's mouth, only to pull it away seconds later. "You'll never, EVER doubt how much i fucking love you after this." He emphasised parts of the sentence, shoving a finger in the boy. "FUCK DABI!" Keigo screamed, he closed his eyes and contorted his face in discomfort, waiting for the pain to stop. Soon his facial expression softened and dabi continued, adding a second. "You're fucking tight keigo." He mumbled, pulling off his belt, pants, and boxers an a swift motion. "Fuck me already damnit!" Dabi chuckled, wrapping a hand around the boys throat. "Beg for it slut, tell me how much you want my cock" hawks turned bright red, bucking his hips into dabi. "Please! I need it so bad! Ill be a good boy i promise! Please I'll be so good!" Dabi smirked, removing his fingers practicly slamming into the boy, resulting in a guttural scream to rip from his throat. "FUCK! DABI SLOW DOWN!" Dabi leaned closer, staying in place, planting a kiss on the boys mouth, hushing him. Keigo's eyes shot open again as dabi began to thrust withought warning. "I FUCKING love you, got that? You better fucking get that in your head." Hawks only nodded as a slew of curses and pants escaped his throat. Dabi started speeding up his thrusts, grabbing keigo's hands, holding them both as he continues at a brutal pace. "Fuck Yes! Don't fucking stop please!" Keigo panted through his words, tears of pleasure streaming down his now hot cheeks. Dabi smiled, kissing him quickly, only to back up leaving a lonly feeling on the boys lips. But soon that feeling disappeared as the boys climax ripped through him, causing him to shake and moan, specificity dabis name. Dabi held his hands tighter, pulling out letting himself cum on the boys thighs, panting like a dog before planting a kiss on his lips.  "Mine" he mutters, pulling keigo into his lap, wrapping a blanket around them. "Yours" keigo whisperd, before falling asleep on dabis lap. As dabi stood up walking to the boys bedroom, he layed him down gently, only to snap the boy awake as he bit into his neck harshly. The boy gasped, trying not to shout from the sudden action. Soon dabi parted from his neck, leaving a dark bruise, as a line of blood trickled down. "What was that for?" Hawks mumbled. Dabi snickered, licking up his neck, and licking up the blood. He chuckled again, "people could see that!" Dabi just smirked, planting a quick but loving kiss on the boys lips. "That's the point" with that he laid back, as the boy cuddled into him, petting his hair smiling, as they drifted off.

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