🥀 🌸song bird🌸🥀

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A/n: the adorable cactus above is my son, his name is Jin, and this chapter is entirely because i was listening to dear evan Hansen.
dabi has tattoos replacing most of his scars, and snakebites because i can. :)


꧁ Pro singer AU꧂

Hawks, he was number 2 on the record boards, being one of the youngest in his field he was aware he had a rather large fan base. He had many people who in a heart beat, would take him out on a date, or even if he just wanted a quick fuck. But here he sat, back stage with a makeup artist.. One at that, who would typically be seen as scary or intimidating.. But no. Here he sat, hand in hand, waiting for the show to start.

(Hawks pov)

"What am I doing.. This is a bad idea.." Those thoughts kept ringing through my head, none the less i ignored them. I felt myself smile more as he traced a hand across my cheek, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I shifted a bit, climbing onto his lap with a soft smile. "Love, not the time.." I chuckled wrapping my arms around his neck "awe, c'mon dabi! A little fun never killed anyone!" I kept the smile watching as he rolled his eyes. "Yeah but you're on stage in 15 minuets and won't let me do my job." I huffed, keeping my hands where they were. "You can if I can stay in your lap." He nodded opening his box "fine but you need to stay still.." I nodded back happily, as he started fixing my makeup. In all honesty I hate wearing stage makeup but not like I get a choice.  At least i can take advantage of it as an excuse to be with him more. I took my hand tracing over a few of the decorated tattoos laid across his arm. I just kept looking at him, his serious expression, how focused he was. It was honestly hot, his furrowed brows, the way he was trying to be gentle with me. There was no point in it but he insisted, i gave up arguing about it months ago. He's been here since the beginning. I had a makeup artist before him, but when i got more popular I got a new crew, new stylists everything. He came with that, and I've never been more glad.

We aren't necessarily in a relationship, but we might as well be, we do everything a couple would.. But neither of us have made it official. Just as he was bout to finnish I leaned closer pecking his lips, fully aware i got gloss on him. He rolled his eyes holding my face. "What part of stay still went over your head birdie?" I giggled as he reapplied it. I love annoying him, its my favorite thing, swing how his face shifts from focused to tense and annoyed. I know he hates it, but that never stoped me before that won't stop me now.

(Dabi pov)
There he goes again.. He does it so often, what is he even getting out of this? I sighed helping him up off my lap, just for him to sit right back again. "Keigo you need to get off, you have 3 minuets till you have to be out there." He huffed, wrapping his arms around my neck. I mentally shook my head, in an attempt to clear my mind. "It's fiinnneee~ you know im fast enough." He chuckled dipping back in my lap, letting his head fall back. God hes such a fool sometimes. I ducked my arm under him pushing him back upright "you're gonna mess up your hair doing that." He rolled his eyes again.. "Awe you're no fun! We've got time!" I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose. "No, we literally dont." I helped him off my lap again, this time standing up with him, ushering him away as the stage hand came back motioning him on stage.

I took my seat back again, relaxing on my phone watching the live feed video of the stage. After around half an hour I logged off the cams distracting myself with anything else. I had gotten so lost in what I was looking at to notice the concert end. My attention was spiked however when I felt familiar arms wrap around my neck, with that sweet sounding hum. "Touya~ I'm all done here.." He giggled and i felt heat rise to my face. I stood up taking his hand guiding him back to where we were before. "What, not even a hello?" I rolled my eyes sitting down. "Hello hawks." He clicked his tongue plopping in my lap again. "Call me keigo, you know that." He wrapped his arms around me again. He was right, but I know how it annoys him when I call him that. Never the less i began removing his makeup. "This feels so gross, I hate this stuff.." He continued groaning on about makeup and stereo types, but in all honesty i wasn't listening one bit. A smile however spread accross my face as he kissed my cheek. "God you're such a dork." I muttered, moving my arms to hold him, smiling up at him. He giggled again making my heart flutter a million times a minute. That lovely sunshine smile. I then went back to taking his makeup off, ending with a quick peck.

♡︎ 🚫smut starts here🚫♡︎

As I finished up I tapped his thigh motioning him off. I raised an eyebrow watching him look around quickly, confused on his actions. However the questions were answered when i felt him plant a kiss to my lips. I kissed back, surprised when I realized he wasn't breaking it. Normally thats what we would do, a quick few kisses and thats it. I rested my hands on his waist, gasping resulting in the kiss breaking as I felt him moving against my lap. "Keigo-! What are you doing!?" I whisper-shouted. I heard that familiar giggle as he continued. "Isn't it obvious? I think you know what I'm doing Tou.." He giggled again holding my face. I was quick to pick him up walking back to my car with him in my arms, kissing at my neck. I slipped into the back seat being quick to lock the doors.

"Someone could have seen us kei." I took his chin in my hand running the other down his side.

(No pov)
Keigo let out a soft hum as he was laid down against the back seat, warm hands traveling up under his shirt, slipping it off. "That's a bad boy.." A small whimper was heard as his belt was undone. "Hurry uuup.." He complained, resulting in another chuckle from Touya.  "Needy are we?" He only got a quick nod in response. He chuckled unbluckling his belt tossing his pants into the front seat, his shirt following soon after. Keigo let out a soft whine as touya drug his hands up his chest, connecting it around his throat. "Be a good little puppy hm?" He chuckled pulling his boxers down, moving the hand up from his throat slipping two fingers into his mouth. He took the signal, beginning to lap his tongue around them obediently. "Such a good boy~" Touya cooed, trailing thr fingers out from his mouth. "Deep breath kei." He whispered, pushing both of them in.  A sharp gasp came from the boy before relaxing "just do it- can't wait please.." The small pleads and whimpers that came from edged touya on. He lined himself up, pushing into him with a low groan. The sound sent shivers down keigo's spine as he held onto the seat, his back arching. "Fuck fuck fuck fuuck-" he whispered under his breath, starting to pant lightly. As he laid with his mouth agape he nodded, giving touya the signal he needed.

As he began moving, he watched as the boy below him stilled his squirming, sharp shivers traveling over his frame. He began tracing shapes into his sides, resulting in a quick slap. "Don't go soft just go." Keigo growled out, glaring up at him. David smirked and snickered, not hesitating to begin pounding into him at an accelerated pace. A loud moan echoed through the car as the old cheap leather seats creaked with the pressure and stretch. Another louder shaky moan came as pleasure ripped through the man as touya brought his hand down pumping him in time with the thrusts. "Fuck keigo.." Toya leaned over growling into his ear, his mind fogging over with pleasure.  Keigo slipped a hand over his mouth holding back a yelp as teeth were dug into his neck. The hand was swiftly held above his head, against the window. "Let me hear you~" he cooed, the familiar coil building up in his stomach, the sinking feeling drilling into him.  Another loud moan echoed before white clouded his vision, collapsing onto the chest of the built man under him, his hand slowed to a stop, bringing it up licking his fingers clean. "Such a good boy for me aren't you?" A weak nod was all he got in response. Touya sat up pulling his own pants on, covering keigo in the blanket he had sitting in the passenger seat, tucking him in. "I'll drive us home alright? Then we can run you a nice warm bath.." He kissed his head fastening a belt around him, as the younger curled up with a lazy nod.
"I love you dove"
"I love you too puppy.."

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