🌸Battle Scars🌸

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Trans hawks au

Keigo had always struggled with his identity, both as a hero and a person. Being trans didn't help that. Here he sat, hoodies layered ontop of each other as he cried, curled under the blankets of him and dabi's shared bed. The mirror accross from the bed haunting his every movement. Yes, he had his top surgery years ago, but bottom surgery wasn't an option for him. The money wasn't the problem, even as he was with dabi, and frequented the LOV, he was still a hero. He had been a teen when he had his top surgery, and had time. Bottom surgery requires alot of extensive recovery time. That was time he didn't have. So here he was, crying in his boyfriends room, wanting nothing more than to be held and told it was going to be okay. However, his boyfriend wasn't home, he was out getting groceries with toga. The dysphoria was too much for him right now, the stress from work wasn't mixing well with this. He shakily reached out to grab his boyfriends hoodie, curling up with it. What he didn't know was Dabi had just gotten home. His attention spiked however, when he heard the familiar clank of boots and rustle of bags. He tucked himself more under the blankets as their door creaked open. "Kei? Where are ya?" He poked his head out, hot tears streaming down his face, that faint red that dusted his eyes. The red puff that his face had, it was the one thing Dabi hated seeing. He dropped the bags he had to the floor, unzipping and tossing his shoes to the side, crawling into bed with his lover. "Baby what's wrong? Did someone hurt you-?" A shaky breath escaped keigo as he curled himself up in Dabi's arms. "Wh-why can't I be a real man..?" This struck Dabi straight through the heart, as he rubbed his boyfriends back. "Keigo, you are a man, more of a man than I could ever be, im sorry you have to fight to see that." He ran his hands through keigo's hair as he spoke. "You are the best man that ever could have come into my life, you deserve none of this, you're the most handsome man ive ever met." More tears fell from keigo's eyes, staining Dabi's shirt. "B- but I l-lool like a girl.." Dabi sighed, kissing his lovers head softly "bub since when does that matter? Who cares what you look like here, you're a man and thats all that matters." Keigo curled his arms around dabi's chest, laying his head to it. His years began to slow, but not stop, as he listened intently to the tallers heart beat. "I love you.." He whispered. A warm hand made its way to his face, stroking his cheek softly. "I love you to keigo.." A small smile creeped its way onto the boys face, as he dug his head into dabi's chest, taking in his scent. "You're my boyfriend kei, everything's perfect, no matter who says otherwise, and I love my boyfriend." This made keigo smile, as he looked up at Dabi, the slowed tears coming to a full stop.

Thank you.." He whispered, tracing his finger tip over the lines in his scars where skin met burn, touching each staple carefully. "My boy.." He tilted his chin up, kissing his lips softly. Keigo say up into his lap, resting his head to dabi's chest. "Your boy.." He smiled as the words left his mouth, wrapping his arms around the others neck loosely, planting another soft kiss to his lips, the soft contrasting with the chapped and scared ones.  He smiled more, unable to hold the kiss. "Baby how bout we get you out of all these hoodies? Youre going to over heat." Keigo nodded softly, sitting up as he stripped himself of 3 of the four he had on. "Dosent that feel better kei?" Dabi looked up locking eyes with him. A soft nod was the response that was given. Keigo only layed his head back down, laying into of Dabi, with a content sigh. "Thank you tou.." He looked up at him, relaxing his wings to the mattress. "Dont thank me feather, I'm just loving you.. It's one thing im decent at." He reached a hand down stroking through his hair softly, using his nails to scratch softly against his scalp. Keigo tucked his head into the crook of Dabi's neck as a warm hand rubbed up and down his back, avoiding the feathers. "Youre my darling boy.." Keigo nodded softly, hours of crying causing him to become drowsy and tired. He closed his eyes relishing in the warmth and comfort of his boyfriend. "How about we take a nap, yeah?" Keigo nodded sleepily, begining to doze off already, only becoming more comfortable as dabi layed back into the mattress. He sprawled himself against his chest, wrapping him proactively in his wings. "G'night.." He whispered.

"Good night my love."

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