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Grian's POV :

Why didn't the other hermits tell him about them or did most of them not know too? "If she's one of the protectors then what should I know about them just in case?" I asked. Joe responded with "we if she is one then she's probably here because she was trying to stop one of the people she watches from dying because if the person dies of 11 times while a protector is watching and protecting them then it leads to consequences, which sometimes they affect their physical age so they could look 8 and be mentally 15, so if she is we should ask and see if she will tell us anything after we fix her up". I watched as Stress looked over to TigerLily and Stress's eyes widened as she saw the golden carrots on the floor "Grian, did you bring those?" Stress asked worriedly, "Yeah, why?" I responded. "Has she freaked out at all after you brought them?" When she asked that I had to think. Had TigerLily freaked out after? Then I remembered that she was freaking out when I returned after messaging them. "Yes, yes she has. Why? Is it a clue toward what her species?" I asked "Well," Stress started "to both species gold is poisonous to them when they eat it, but more so golden apples and carrots have the opposite effect on the protectors, so yes in a way it does give some clue towards the more peaceful species."

249 words
Sorry it took me so long I lost motivation trying to make this longer, but here have a just one P.O.V. Chapter I can't promise a longer chapter or that it will be soon but I'll try my best to write another one, so thanks for reading I means a lot that people are actually reading the book. Well until next time

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