Some Answers

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?????'s POV :

He left to do something, I would fly after him, after going invisible, but my wings are kinda broken, so I hope that he will be fine until I can heal my wings, I think while I wait I'm going to look around, from were I'm at because my left leg hurts to move. I wonder what he was doing before he noticed I was up? Then I saw a glint of something golden......there was a stack of golden of the things that could kill me if I consumed it the other is golden apples. I started to panic a bit again, and he came back in again.

Grian's POV :

I came back into the room because Stress and Joe said that they would be over in 5, and the bird fox human? Is that what I should call it until it talks with me and tells me its name, if it can even speak that is, well it was panicking.....again.....why is it panicking again? What happened? Did it notice that its wings are most likely broken, that must really hurt,I would know, I should go and calm it down. I walk over to it and say "hey its ok I'm getting some of my friends to fix your wings, and anything else that might be hurt."

I forgot to mention in the beginning that I'm my AU Grian does have wings himself but he hides them and uses an elytra so the others will not find out.
But that's chapter 3 done! I hope you liked it. And again sorry for a short chapter, I still don't have much motivation.

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