Some Help From Friends

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TigerLily's POV :

Grian went to the 2 people, I haven't seen him interact with them much, but he has interacted with them a bit, but the way 1 of them looked at me, makes me feel like they know my species and the lies spread around by careless minecrafters, like how the giant blood shead event from over a thousand of years ago was caused by my race when just seeing how certain minecrafters act I can tell it was the other way around. Still it's a bit unsettling to be stared at like I'm some sort of monster.

Grian's POV :

Stress and Joe have finally arrived, I'm going to go walk over to them and tell them what is going on why I messaged them and why there's a weird girl in my base. "So do you think you can help her?" I questioned
"We can try love but we've never had to set wings" Stress said. "Grian do you know her species at all?" Joe questioned. "No, is that a problem?" I asked. "Well yes because she could come from a species that is set out to destroy minecrafters, or come from a species that was thought extinct called the protectors." Joe explained. "you mean the species that was a common occurence 20 years ago until one server started mass killing them because they were killing their livestock for food?" Stress questioned. Joe nodded. I was confused why wasn't told about this species before?

246 words. Sorry for the very long wait I was going to try to add more but you guys have waited long enough but at least you now have some lore. I'll try to write more but I've been very busy.

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