What Was That?

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3rd person POV :

Grian had just gotten back from helping False prank the central station and was searching through some shulker boxes when he heard a loud thump, so he went out to investigate, thinking that one of the hermits could of fallen out of the sky or come to visit him, when he checked the inside of his base he found nothing, so he went to investigate the outside of his base, and he saw.........

~☆~10 minutes Earlier~☆~

????'s POV:

So hungry but I must keep watching and making sure that he is safe, I'll be able to go and get some fish after dusk, but I must not rest, even if I haven't slept for months. I need to keep watch. I...need..to..keep.....watch. I........need.............to............stay.........awa-

3rd Person POV:

???? Passes out from hunger and fatigue making a loud thump as they fall on to the outer ring of Grians base.......


Yay I have the first chapter done, I hope you like it and please let me know what you think of it in the comments, and please point out any spelling mistakes, or anything that doesn't really make sense, I have very little writing experience out side of language art classes and trying to write stories before on another site, also please remember that this is an au so not all of it is accurate. Thank you for taking you time to read my pitiful excuse of a story, I'll try to write chapter 2 soon

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