I Can't Leave Him ( Part 1 )

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Jay's leg bobbed up and down, it was clear the nervousness was getting to him. Thinking about what Harry had asked, no, told him, he wondered whats his intentions were. It seemed pretty obvious, but still, Harry was unpredictable. One moment he could want to cuddle, the next he'd have his hook against your throat. Jay hated to admit it, but he liked that about Harry.

He sat on a crate, not listening to Evie and Mal's bickering.

" Oh come Mal, we were just talking. " Evie whined.

" Don't be naive, then again, it's what you do best! " Mal shouted, Evie looked angry for a second before her eyes started watering.

" Oh jeez, I'm sorry Evie. It's just, you didn't see how the guy was looking at you. If I hadn't come along I'm scared of what would've happened to you. " Evie's jaw dropped open. 

" You....were scared? " Now it was Mal's turn to look aghast. 

" What, as if. Don't be stupid. Come on, I'm hungry. Jay , Carlos, let's go steal something. " Carlos eagerly nodded and rushed over to Mal's side. Jay sat still, looking a million miles away.

" Earth to Jay, come on, we're gonna so steal something to eat. " Evie gently shook Jay's shoulder. 

" Oh sure, yeah let's go. " Jay walked walked past Mal and Carlos not saying anything.

" Whats up with him? " Carlos whispered to Mal.

" I don't know, maybe it's his time of the month. " Evie snickered and the trio jogged to catch up with Jay.

They walked to one of the smaller markets. Jay had already nabbed a few old apples and a slice of bread on the way when they saw them. Carlos and Evie were laughing about something while Mal ate an apple she took from Jay. Then they saw the most terrifying image their twisted minds could ever conjure. Their parents, Jafar, Cruella, the Evil Queen, and Maleficent all stood together looking too smug for their own good. The descendants stopped in their tracks

" Is it the end of the world? " Evie whispered.

" It just might be. " Mal responded. Maleficent walked forward, the other villains followed suit.

" Children, we're so happy to have caught you. We have a surprise for you. " 

" They're gonna kill us, it was only a matter of time. Run! " Carlos shouted, him and Evie turning around to run before Mal growled.

" No, they wanna get rid of us we're not going down without a fight. " Jay and Mal took a fighting stance, Evie and Carlos looked unsure. The parents burst out laughing.

" We're not going to kill you silly children, but we are getting rid of you. In a sense, come. " Maleficent said, gesturing for the children to follow her. The four looked at each other nervously before following their parents. When they were in the apartment the Evil Queen and Maleficent shared they saw bags packed on the dining table.

" What are the bags for? " Evie asked. 

" Our bodies. " Carlos whispered to Jay. He could see the poor boy was genuinely scared. It pissed Jay off, children shouldn't be this scared of their parents.

" For years, we villains have tried anything and everything to escape. To exact our revenge on the do-gooders in Auradon. But now, our children will be the ones to avenge us, we're proud. "

" How exactly, do you expect us to avenge you? "

" You kids, have been specially chosen to attend a new school. In Auradon. " The kids freaked out, arguing with their parents, they couldn't possibly go to Auradon! With pretty pink princesses and sickeningly charming princes, no way. 

" Silence! You children will go to Auradon Prep. You will steal Fairy Godmother's wand, and Mal you will use your fairy magic to harness the wands power and break the barrier. This is not up for discussion ! " Jay's mind reeled. He couldn't leave, not today, Harry would be expecting him. He wanted to see what this thing he had with Harry could become.

" A limo is waiting for you outside, go on now. Grab your bags and leave. We hope to see you soon. "

" I can't leave. " Jay said abruptly, he was terrified of saying no to Maleficent, but he couldn't leave Harry. Suddenly he felt a blow to his face and fell to the ground. Blood trickled down his face.

" No excuses boy, go, now. Hurry up. " He recognized his father's voice. 

" I can't, I have somewhere to be tonight. " Jay rasped out. Mal, Evie, and Carlos watched what was going on, unable to do anything for fear of what their parents might do to them. Jafar kicked Jay's stomach.

" I don't care, this our one chance to get off of this miserable island and you will not ruin it for some slut you want to sleep with!" Hearing someone call Harry that, even though Jafar didn't know it was him, pissed Jay off. How dare he call Harry that. Without thinking Jay got up and punched his father square in the jaw. Jafar looked at Jay like he was a 400ft tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings. Mal hoping to diffuse the situation, stepped in.

" Jay, come on, let's go. I promise you we'll be back soon. Let's go. " Jay stood still for a moment before grabbing the bag packed for him and stormed out. The other quietly followed him to the limo waiting outside.

When they entered the limo three out of the four villains drooled at the sight. Inside were candies and chocolate and foods of all sorts. Not a single piece rotten. It was beyond their wildest images. They dug in. Jay quietly sat, hating himself for leaving. Harry would wonder where he is, would he even know what was going on? Would he even care? The thought that Jay's departure might not even bother Harry sickened him. When they finally reached Auradon Prep, with it's green fields and castle, the only thing Jay could think was I'll be back for you Harry.

So? How did you guys like it. The story has actually done pretty well lately, many thanks to everyone who votes or commented. Your support is what encouraged me to write this chapter. I was at the beginning and I was upset with how long it was taking for me to get the four to Auradon, and then it struck me. I could do it in this chapter! Also, to anyone who gets my reference from another show and comments about it, I'll give you a shout out in my next chapter. Sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors.

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