A Fun Day Out With A Jealous Pirate

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Carlos and Jay headed towards the central market on the Isle. Jay felt it was his responsibility as Carlos's new adoptive big brother to teacher him how to steal. Whether it be plain pick pocketing or planned out heists, stealing was essential if you wanted to get food on the Isle. From the looks of Carlos, the kid needed all the food he could get his hands on.

The central market was the busiest market out of the seven on the Isle, and it was almost the most dangerous.  The older villains, the more dangerous ones went there. Jay normally wouldn't have brought someone as frail as Carlos there, but he needed to learn to toughen up and there was no better place for that. 

" Dude is that, Claude Frollo and Gaston! " Carlos sounded as awestruck as he did terrified.

" Yeah, a lot of the big time villains come here. I'm just glad my Dad or Mal's mother are here. They're the ones you really have to watch out for. " Carlos nodded.

" What are we here to do anyways? I'm no good at stealing. "

" I know, but I am, and I'm going to teach you. If you're going to survive on the Isle, you can't depend on Mommy. And honestly, she doesn't do much for you anyways. "

Jay looked around for the liquor and smoke stands. What was sold in the central market changed a lot of the time, sometimes it was clothes or food or electronics, but most of the time you could count on there being alcohol due to most everyone on the Isle being alcoholics.

He spotted the stand where a couple of thugs were were currently having a drinking and belching contest.

" You drink Carlos? " He shook his head. " Well, soon you're about to. I want you to go over there, steal a tiny bottle of brown liquor and a box of cigarettes. " He looked at Jay flabbergasted. Jay gave a small chuckle and patted the boy's shoulder.

" You'll be fine, if anything goes wrong I'm here to bail you out. " Carlos gave Jay one pleading look before timidly heading towards the cart. The woman handling the station was busy flirting with the belching thugs who couldn't seem to care less about her. Carlos quickly shoved a couple small bottles on brandy in his short's pocket and grabbed a handful of cigarette boxes. 

Jay smiled inwardly at Carlos's luck, the women was still trying to get the guys to notice her so she didn't notice the thievery. The moment Carlos had everything he needed he bolted from the stand leaving Jay in the dust.

Jay groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose when he heard the women shout.

" Thief, he stole my liquor! " The two drunken idiots decided now would be the time to get involved as they ran off in Carlos's direction. Jay cursed as he dashed off to Carlos's rescue. The three idiots managed to get a head start on him and when he finally caught up his heart stopped when he heard a bunch of thuds and grunts.

" Shit Carlos, you good. " Jay came into the alleyway ready to jump in and help Carlos fend off the attackers but the sight before him wasn't what he was expecting.

Harry was standing over the two men who were bloody and bruised. Carlos was staring at the towering boy with fear in his eyes. The pirate was grinning, his hook dripping with blood. Jay stood confused for a moment.

" Harry, what the hell are you doing here? Come on Carlos. " Jay walked over to carlos puttting himself in front of the shaking boy. The action seemed to peek Harry's interest, Jay couldn't tell whether it was funny or it pissed him off.

" What's this mutt fuilteach to you? " Pissed him off, Jay decided.

" He's a friend. Carlos, this is Harry. Harry, this is Carlos. " Carlos timidly waved at Harry. the pirate simply snorted.

" You're Cruella's mutt, right? " 

" How do you know about me? "

" My dad had me steal a bunch of her fur coats a few years back, you were asleep on the floor in the living room. "

" That was you, my mother burned me for that. " Carlos seemed like he was upset, but didn't want to raise his voice in fear of angering the pirate.

" Am I suppose to care, I ate well that night. " Jay scoffed as he left Carlos and spoke to Harry.

" Come on asshole. " Carlos was about to speak before Jay cut him off.

" I'll be right back, stay here. " 

Jay and Harry walked into a dead end alley. The moment the two boys were alone Jay pinned Harry to the wall roughly.

" What the hell is your problem? Screwing with Carlos like that. " Harry look pissed, but made no attempt to get free of Jay's hold.

"  I saved him. "

" And then taunted him. " At this point Harry twisted out of Jay hold and had him against the wall, his free hand pinning Jay's above his head.

" Well maybe, I don't like sharing whats mine. " Jay looked confused for a moment before realizing what he meant, and blushed at the realization. 

" Harry I just wanted to- " Jay was cut off by a searing kiss from Harry. He gasped, Harry using this opportunity to slip his tongue in Jay's mouth.

And just as quickly as the kiss began, Harry pulled away. Grinning at the whimper that left Jay.

" Tomorrow, the back of the fish n chip shop at midnight. Don't tell anyone where you'll be. " Jay nodded, still flustered. Harry walked away, whistling a tune.

Jay walked back to Carlos who looked relieved that the thief was alright.

" Come on, let's get out of here. "

I hope you liked this chapter, it's the last. The chapter before this one did really poorly, and I don't think this one is going to be anything different. So sorry if you're disappointed, I just don't get enough reviews or votes to keep the story up. Who knows, I may take it up again in the future, but for now it's done.

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