The Pretty Poison

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Normally it takes months of rest and physical therapy, but Jay made a deal with Dr. Facilier to turn over half of everything he steals for a month for a green potion that healed the stab wound. It had some weird side effects, but in the end Jay was alright.  

Since the stabbing, he and Mal had grown closer. Whether it was because he almost died or he admitted he might like guys, they had accepted the fact that they were friends and cared about each other. Jay decided that as long as he had Mal, he could take anything life threw at him. Never in a million years did he think he would make another two friends, and then he met Evie.

He and Mal were hanging out in the Selfishness 101 class talking about where Dr. Facilier went wrong with his plan when he spotted her.

" Okay, okay, Facilier shouldn't have let Lawrence be in charge of making sure Naveen didn't get out. Lawrence was a brainless henchman. " Mal said, sucking loudly on a lollipop. 

" I agree, he should've just kept Naveen with him at all times. Because he- " Jay looked at the doorway  where perhaps the most beautiful girl he had ever seen stood. She had long curly blue hair with a red rose tucked on her right ear. She was wearing a short dark blue dress with a small belt, a blue leather jacket with bleeding heart on the back. She had black tights on and blue ankle boots. Her face was delicate, cheek bones prominent, she was gorgeous. 

Mal looked at the girl in blue in the doorway and tilted her head.

'' Who the hell are you? " The blue girl gave a small smile.

" I'm Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen. " Jay was confused, the Evil Queen had a daughter? Then he remembered, 8 years ago. The Evil Queen threw a birthday party for her daughter who was turning 6. Everyone was invited to the birthday party except Maleficent and her demon daughter Mal. It was a great party, everyone got sidekicks. Jay got two eels named Lagan and Derelict. They were amazing pets, but it was a hassle feeding them. Then his face dropped. Mal and her mother Maleficent had crashed the party, making a huge scene. Everyone ran away because he even on a island full of villains, everyone was sacred of Maleficent.

The two were upset because Mal was not invited. Maleficent threatened that if she ever saw her of her ratchet daughter again, they'd never live to poison another apple again. The two went missing after that. No one knew what happened to them.

" Didn't Maleficent kind of like, banish, you and your mom? " Jay asked confused, he met Maleficent on a regular basis when he would hang out at Mal's place, Maleficent was not one to forget a grudge. He looked at Mal, expecting her to be furious the girl was here, but she looked indifferent. Evie looked super nervous, staring at Mal like she was the devil, but she spoke.

" Um yeah, but my mom says she made her peace with Maleficent, so uh, we're back. " Mal stood up from the chair she was sitting on and walked over to Evie, standing right in front of her. Evie squeaked, shutting her eyes tight.

" Nice to see you again Evie. I'm Mal, and that is Jay in case you forgot. " Mal said calmly. Evie looked confused. Mal gave a small smile and sighed.

" Look, I'm sorry for what my mom and I did to you and your mom, and, I'm not a good person. But if you wanna be friends with Jay and me, I'd allow that. " Evie giggled and went hugged Mal.

" I would really really like that. Eeeh. " Evie squealed and ran over to Jay, locking him in a tight embrace. Jay looked at Mal, giving off the impression he was confused, but Mal just laughed.

I know, I know this chapter is super short, but I've been working on it for three days and it's a miracle I got anything written, I was very uninspired. But I needed this chapter to introduce Evie. It'll be a bit before I introduce Carlos. I hope you liked this chapter, stay tuned for the next one. I'll probably have it finished and published by Thursday.  Also sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes.

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