The Shadow Man

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 I would love some constructive criticism, ideas for the story, ways I could better my writing. Anything helps.

" So we're going to steal from Dr. Facilier? Voodoo, curse casting, spell slaying Dr. Facilier? "

" Yeah. " Jay sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

" That's not a good idea, he catches us, it's over. Just because he can't do magic doesn't mean he won't make our deaths very painful. " Uma scoffed and crossed her arms.

" Yeah I know that, but he's the only one who's got a potion called haneri vica prakasa. It heals all wounds almost instantly.  Without it, Harry's going to- " Uma gave Harry a look of worry before motioning for Jay to follow her outside. Jay gave a quick kiss to Harry's cheek before following her outside of the room.

" Without that potion Harry will die. You've seen him, he's only getting worse. It's a miracle he's still alive. " Hearing that Harry should've already died because of his wounds shocked Jay into compliance. 

" Alright, so where is Facilier holed up. "

" Last I heard he was sleeping at school in his office. " 

" Would he really keep his potions and stuff there? " Uma just shrugged.

" Okay, well he's not just going to let us take his potions without getting something in return. Do we have anything to give him for the potion? " Uma scowled and made her way up to the deck of the ship. Jay followed her up to the deck where Gil was fiddling with a piece of cloth.

" We are pirates but we haven't got anything good to give him. Everything on the Isle is a piece of crap. " Uma said angrily kicking a barrel and knocking it over. " What about you? Is there anything in your father's shop that he might want? "

" I don't know, maybe he'd want a TV? We haven't got much. " Uma just shook her head.

" We could just ask him what he want's. " Gil said in the background.

" Politeness, disgusting. " Jay said.

" Come on Uma, Gil's got the right idea. We ask him what he want's, we get it, and we get the potion to save Harry. "

" I prefer stealing, but we haven't got the time to debate. Let's go. Gil, you stay here and watch Harry. " Uma said in her captain voice. Her and Jay left the port and headed to Dragon Hall. When the pair arrived, the student's started whispering. Uma the pirate captain and Jay the right hand man to Mal were together. What were they doing, why did Uma look like she wanted to punch someone. Wait, never mind, she always look's like she wants to hit someone.

" What are you all looking at? Get out of my way! " Uma shoved Claudine Frollo into the lockers, the poor girl's head hitting the floor with a thud.

The two made their way to Dr. Facilier's office, a pair of feel sticking out from under the desk.

" Yo shadow man, we wanna talk. " Jay said and snorted when there was a thud under the desk. The headmaster of Dragon Hall groaned, getting out from under his desk rubbing his head.

" The hell you want boy, I'm tryna sleep here. " He got up, the flab of his stomach poking out from under his magenta button up.

" We need a potion from you. " Uma said, the glare she was giving him hard enough to break stone.

" Well which one? " He ran a hand though his mess of brown hair and pulled up his purple striped pants.

" Haneri vica prakasa. " Facilier laughed and rubbed his nose. 

" That's a mighty hard potion to brew, you better have something real good to give me for it. " Uma's hand rested on her sword, sensing a fight about to come Jay stepped forward.

" We can get something, what do you want? " 

" Hmmmm, my girl, Celia, she got a birthday coming up. I wanna get her a nice gift, like a fur coat or something. " Jay couldn't help but awww internally. Say what you want about Facilier, but he did care for his daughter.

" A fur coat, there's nothing like that on the isle. "

" Well I'm sure Ms. Devil has got a few nice ones. Tell you what, get a coat, undamaged of course, and I'll give you the potion. " He getting back down under his desk and pulling a blanket up to cover him.

" Don't you wanna know why we want the potion? " Uma asked, suspicious of how cooperative he was being. 

" Nope. "

I'm sorry, I'm sorry it took so long to update. School has been taking a lot out of me and I kind of was in a funk lately. But I'm back, I'll try to post more often.

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