The Thief And The Smile

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So if you read my last chapter you'll know I wasn't sure if I should continue this story, but after watching Descendants again on Disney+, I want to get back to writing this story. I'm also thinking about writing an series about an alternate universe where 4 different kids go to Auradon. Let me know if you would like to see that.

It was in P.E. later in the day when Jay saw the pirates again. He was alone as Mal decided to ditch, he would've joined her but he actually like P.E. He was wearing a brown tank top, black sweats and worn out tennis shoes. Instead of sporting his signature beanie, he put his long brown hair in a ponytail. Gaston was talking about how to handle a sword if you ever had to battle a beast., he demonstrated by stabbing his sword in the chest of the cloth dummy. That was when Harry, Gil, a couple of other unimportant pirates and Uma with a now bandaged nose walked in. He tensed at seeing Harry, it was now suddenly hot. What the hell was wrong with him.

" Sorry Dad, we had to take Uma to the nurse. Mal beat her up. " Uma snarled and grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled his face close to hers.

" You keep telling people that, and you're gonna end up with a lot worse than a broken nose. " She spit in his face and shoved him to the ground. Harry's face slightly contorted at that, but he didn't say anything. 

" Off your ass Gilbert, stand with the others! " Gaston yelled at his son. Gil hurriedly got up and went to stand with the other students. The other pirates stood beside their captain whereas Harry opted to stand beside Jay. He pretended not to notice, but it was hard to ignore him when he was looking right at him.

" So before my idiot son interrupted us " Harry was practically seething at this point. " I was going to tell you all that today you will be sparring with a partner of your choice. Yes, you will be using real swords, and if you get stabbed, not my problem. Get to work. If I see any of you taking a break, I'm going to throw an egg at you. " With that he walked away and left the teenagers to get to work. There was a barrel full of dueling swords. Jay walked over to the barrel, shoving Stubby, son of Sideburns Stabbington, to get first pick of the swords. He picked one with with a mahogany and silver handle and and a long, thin steel blade. He was thinking about asking Antonio, son of Anastasia to be his partner, when someone grabbed his shoulder. He whirled around and looked at Gil. He was smiling really big for someone who's friend and father just insulted.

" Hiya Jay, none of my crew mates wanna partner with me, and since you seem to hate me a little less than everyone else in the room,  wanna partner up?"

" Um sure man, just don't grab me from behind like that again. " Jay didn't think Gil's smile could get any bigger but it did. Gil walked over to the barrel of swords and picked up a simple steel one. The two walked over to a separate corner of the broken down gym and began dueling. Gil never once stopped talking, and for the most part Jay ignored him until he brought up something interesting.

" Did you know Uma is bisexual? Yeah, Harry told me she use to have a crush on Mal until Mal made fun of her for it when she came out to her. I guess that's why she hates Mal so much. " That caught Jay off guard? Uma was bisexual? And Mal made fun of her for it? Jay was so momentarily caught up with his thoughts that Gil managed to disarm him and pin him down. 

" Man, I must be getting better. How'd I beat you. " Jay just rolled his eyes and got up. He took his sword back from Gil and got back into position to fight again.

" Hey wanna know another fun tidbit. " Jay was making sure to not let Gil win again. They were going at it furiously.

" Sure whatever man. "

" Harry is gay. " This completely floored Jay. Gil thrust his sword at Jay, expecting him to parry, instead stabbed him. Gil looked completely terrified as Jay looked at him.

" Oh man, I-I-I'm so sorry. I-I-I-I thought you were going to parry. I- " Jay just pulled the sword out of him.

" I don't think you're supposed to do that, I'm going to get the nurse. " GIl dropped his sword and ran full speed outside of the gym. Jay kinda just looked down at his stomach, looking at the blood dripping down his tank top. By now people were starting to realize something is wrong. 

" Uh Mr. Gaston, Jay is bleeding. " Claudine Frollo said. Gaston didn't even look up from his Princes Are Prisses magazine. 

" Like I said earlier, not my problem if you get stabbed. " Harry stopped his dueling with Uma and walked over to Jay. It was now starting to dawn on Jay that he was just stabbed when his body began to get cold.

" Alright Jay, no reason to panic. Gillie should be here soon. " Harry put his hand on the back of Jay and looked down at Jay with a much too soft expression. 

" I-I'm fine, get away from me. " He tried to push Harry away and stumbled. It was getting colder by the second, he was seeing stars. 

" Relax Jay, just - " Jay tried to stay awake but damn he had never felt colder. Not even the time during a blizzard where his father locked him out because he hadn't stolen enough things for the store. With that last thought Jay fell down, passing out. 

That's all I really feel like writing down right now, I've got Spanish homework to do. I hope you like this chapter, I know I really do. I had Gil's full name be Gilbert, it just made sense to me. I apologize if the swearing offended you. Again, I do not own these Descendants characters, nor do I make any profit from this story.

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