The Thief Steals A Pup

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It had been a few days since Harry had healed, and Jay couldn't be happier. The pirate was back to his normal cocky and threatening self. Jay and Harry had only met up once since their kiss, and it was only for a couple minutes before they were interrupted by Mal. Jay had updated Evie and Mal with what had been going on with him, and Evie apologized for not following him when he ran off to Harry. Mal rolled her eyes and just chewed some gum.

Something had been bothering Jay though, when he went to Dragon Hall to see Carlos again he didn't show up. When he went by Cruella DeVil's apartment she got angry and chased after him with iron poker. For being an old lady, she was pretty fast. Scariness unlike physical qualities, Jay learned early on in life, never really wore off with age. 

So every day Jay would wait across the street fro Cruella to leave the apartment, so he could sneak in and see Carlos again. He didn't feel the same way for Carlos as he did Harry, but rather pity. Carlos wasn't unlike Jay or Harry, the three all beaten by their parents. Whereas Harry and Jay grew up to be "tough" and learn how to fight, Carlos wasn't so lucky. 

Not only was he physically abused by Cruella, he was also mentally abused. Jay could only imagine the horrible things she said to her only son. Harry and Jay were blesses with their physique, Carlos, well he reminded Jay of a wafer. Thin and white, easy to break.

One day he got his chance when Cruella left with Jasper and Horace yelling at them for bringing her the wrong coat. Once the three adults were out of sight Jay went into the apartment and headed up to Cruella's bedroom. He cringed at the smell, ash and smoke and beer. Nowhere on the Isle smelled nice, but this place took " seeing the smell " to a whole new level.

Going into Cruella's room he opened the closet door, and there was Carlos curled up on the floor. 

" Hey Carlos, wake up. " Jay said, softly nudging Carlos with his foot. The boy woke up and looked up at Jay. His right eye was swollen shut, purple and blue surrounding it. His nose was busted, pink and swollen. Something happened to this kid, or someone like his mother.

" J-Jay, why are you here? " Carlos whispered, rubbing his black eye for a moment before wincing and pulling his hand away.

" Well why are whispering? Your moms gone. " Carlos looked around and held out a hand for Jay to help him up. Jay hesitated for a moment, not using to helping others. After about 5 seconds he did help Carlos up, despite the weird feeling he got from it.

" Why didn't you show up a few weeks ago when I asked you to? " Carlos snorted and pulled his shorts down which had ridden up.

" What do think? I tried to sneak out and my Mom caught me, beat the crap out of me. " 

" Sorry man, she probably hit you for the missing coat too huh? " Carlos nodded.

" Hey well, do you want to get out of here? She might not be back for a while, we could have plenty of fun? Get out, let people know you exist. " Carlos looked scared for a moment, but then something changed in his eyes. He got a look of a rebel and nodded. Jay gave his crooked smile and licked his lips.

" Let's get the hell out of here. "

I apologize for taking so long to update, my computer broke so I had to use another one and then my new one came in tonight. The next chapter will have Jay and Carlos friendship building, and some jealous Harry. 

All comments and votes are appreciated.

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