He Can't Leave Me ( Part 2 )

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Harry sat at the bar in the Fish n Chip shop, listening to Uma rant about Mal. He didn't agree with what Uma was saying, he was actually friends with Mal, but no good would come from standing up for the girl.  Gil was snacking on some fries whilst some other pirates were arm wrestling. Today, everything seemed to be at peace. Whether it was because it was gray and cloudy, or because he was going to see Jay tonight he was happy.

Tonight he would tell Jay what he found, a way off the Isle. There was a weak point in the barrier, a spot that could be torn threw. That was their way off the Isle. If they could escape they could start new lives, together. Somewhere without their fathers or the taint of the Isle. They could be happy. It would take a lot of work, and there was only one knife that could open the barrier. It belonged to the Heart royal family. Last he knew the knife was with the son of the queen of hearts. If he could track him down and get the knife, he could get Jay's freedom.

" Whatcha thinkin about Harry? " Gil sat by him.

" Nothin. " Harry replied.  He looked at Gil and saw his face littered with bruises. The sight enraged him.

" What the hell happened to ya Gill? " He didn't mean to sound so angry, not with Gil at least. Gil looked embarrassed and shrank away from Harry.

" Oh um, it was my fault really. I upset my brother, I bumped into him and he spilled his water. I deserved it. " Harry forced Gil to look at him.

" How many times do I have to tell you, when your family hurts you it's not your fault. They're the assholes. " Gil nodded, but Harry knew he didn't believe it. 

Harry already decided that when they opened the barrier, he was bringing Gil with him. He was not going to leave the poor guy to rot on the Isle, he deserved better. 

" What the hell did you say about my family? " Harry turned around where Gaston the third was standing behind him. Tall, beefy, blonde, and a whole lot of stupid. 

" I said-" Harry stood up, getting in his face. " Your family, are assholes. " The entire chip shop was looking at the boys. Uma smirked in anticipation of the inevitable beatdown.

Gaston the third was quiet for a moment, before he took a swing at Harry. Harry ducked and hit him square in the jaw. Before Gaston could retaliate Harry grabbed him by the hair and slammed his face onto his knee. The blonde's face was bloodied.

" You son of a bitch! " Gaston charged Harry. Harry smiled before pulling his hook from out of nowhere and pinning it against Gaston's throat. The blonde stopped dead in his tracks, standing still and hoping for Harry not to slit his throat.

" Now Gaston, you need to apologize to Gil. You're going to say sorry for being a jackass and a shit brother. " Gil looked like he wanted to stop Harry, but stood where he was. 

" Go on. " 

" I'm sorry for being a jackass and a shit brother. " Harry smiled and took his hook away from the boy's throat.

" Now that's a good lass. " Harry pat him on the cheek before going to his captain's side. Uma leaned on him messing with his hair.

" Now that's a beatdown. This has been the perfect morning. First Mal and her dorks are leaving and you give Gaston a bloody nose. " Harry froze when he heard that. Mal and her dorks leaving?

" What do you mean Mal and her friends are leaving? "

" I found out the prince of Auradon wants to bring them over to Auradon and rehabilitate them or some shit. What an idiot. " She laughed. Harry got up and left the chip shop.

" Hey! Where the hell are going? " Uma called after him. 

" Ugh, what is going on with that guy. "

Harry raced through the streets, pushing people down to the ground. No way could Jay leave, not without Harry. He couldn't leave him. He made it to where the old run down bridge was. A black limo drove away. Harry saw Jay in the window. He really was leaving. Leaving without Harry. He left him. 

Apologies for any grammatical, spelling, or continuity mistakes.

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