The Thief Meets The Pirate

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I have not read the Descendants book series, so don't get mad at me if I get someone's backstory wrong. I apologize. This story would take place after the first Descendants movie. Thank you, now on to the story. This chapter Jay would be 9 years old, as would Harry.

When he lived on the Isle, Jay never really went to the outer edge of the island, he never had any reason to. He could usually stock his father's shelves by just stealing from around his home. That was until he heard rumors that a shipment of goods from Auradon had come to the Isle by mistake. Now Jay didn't know if it was true, false rumors were all too common on the Isle, but if it was true he could bring in a pretty good haul. His father wasn't exactly happy with what he had brought in and he had the bruise to prove it.

So Jay skipped school and went on a hunt for the Auradon shipment. He first tried the West Port, that was the most used port when shipments form Auradon came in. No luck finding the ship, but he did find a few homeless people who hissed at him. Next he tried the South Port but it most empty, with just a few broken down ships. Jay was considering just going home and trying his luck at pick pocketing for the rest of the day. The West and South ports weren't used by the Isle pirates, the goblins used the West Port and no one used the South Port anymore. Jay didn't know anything about the East Port but the North Port was overcrowded with pirates, and Jay wouldn't admit it out loud but pirates scared him. He ended up forcing himself to go check out the other ports, figuring the pirates probably wouldn't hurt him too bad considering who his father was. His dad on the other hand, would beat him however long and hard he liked.

When Jay got to the East port he saw the rumors were true, an Auradon ship was in the empty port. He saw the Auradon insignia on the sails and knew he had scored. He started walking over to the ship, a canvas sack in his back pocket and him ready to quickly ransack the ship before getting in trouble. He didn't notice a young pirate looming behind a stack of crates looking at him. Jay was filling his bag with triple A batteries when he heard someone talk behind him.

"Whatcha doing there matey, surely not looting a ship on my father's turf." Jay turned around and looked at the boy standing in front of him. He was taller than Jay, with messy brown hair and blue eyes. Handsome blue eyes that Jay had to keep himself from staring at. The boy was dressed in a black tank top with blue jeans and a torn red coat. For some reason, the boy held a hook in his right hand.

" I asked ya a question. " The boy snarled, " What do you think yer doin? " 

" Just grabbing a few things, taking advantage of certain items.  " The boy got a confused look on his face and motioned to the batteries.

" Batteries, really? That's what you steal.  You're obviously not very bright. " The boy laughed, a maniacal laugh that gave Jay goosebumps. 

" Who are you anyway, I don't think I've seen ya around before. " The boy asked, still sporting a crazy smile.

" Jay, son of Jafar. " The boy feigned a look of shock. Jay tried regaining his composure, but something about this boy made him nervous. 

" I told you who I am, what about you. " Jay tried standing tall and intimidating. but it was hard when the other boy stood a foot above him holding a hook.

" Harry, son of Hook. " Suddenly Jay got it, the hook, the maniacal look.

" Harry, nice to meet you, now get out of my way. " Jay growled. He normally would just shove Harry out of the way, Jay had more muscle than most 9 year olds, but Harry had just as much as him and he had that hook.

" Yeah, that's not happening. My father runs this port and if you steal from here, that means you're stealing from him. " Harry stepped closer to Jay, clutching his hook and as Jay prepared to fight his way out of there when a voice spoke from behind the boys.

" Now Harrrry, let the boy through. We don't, we don, wanna anger Jafar. He may be a general store owner now, but he's still dangerous. " There stood the infamous Captain Hook. He had shaggy black hair, a creepy goatee and he stood with a slight wobble. Was he drunk?

" Go on boy, go. Oh, and ummm, um, tell your father those little trinkets are compliments from Captain Hook. We're old friends, your father and I. " Jay gripped his bag and walked off the ship and onto the port. He was a little ways away from being all the way out of the port when he heard Captain Hook speaking to his son.

"  Now what did I tell you about messing with the kids of those big name villains. Huh, you neverrr listen boy!"

" I'm sorry I -" Smack! Jay winced at the familiar sound. He didn't look back, but he knew what happened. He could imagine the look of confusion and anger on Harry's face. Jay sighed and went on home. His father was happy with the batteries, he could use them for the TV's and other electric things. Jay got some food in return for what he had stolen, and as he lay under his shelf eating a slightly rotten apple, his thoughts drifted back to Harry. The boy who Jay could tell was slightly insane, the boy with the hook, the boy who got hit by his father just like Jay. He wondered what else he had in common with the pirate.

I do not own Descendants, nor do I own any of the characters. All rights are reserved to original owners. 

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