The Pirate and the Thief

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Again, I'm sorry I don't update all that often. I've been pretty busy with school and have been wanting to start a new series. Maybe some short stories about different Disney character pairings, or maybe Descendants pairings? Let me know if you'd like to see that.

Jay and Uma ran out of Dr. Facilier's office the moment they got the potion. Bumping into people, some falling to the ground, others cursing at the delinquents. Jay jumped over a cart of rotten apples, knocking some to the ground. The attendant yelling at him.

" Watch where you're going street rat. " A rotten apple narrowly missing Jay. The two made it to the docked ship, The Lost Revenge. They went below deck and got into Harry's room. Gil was sitting beside Harry's bed, clutching his hand. The poor boy looked a wreck, his blonde hair frayed, his eyes red and puffy.

Harry looked, terrible. His handsome features marred by black and blue bruises, his lips coated in his own blood. One of his gorgeous green eyes closed shut, swelled, and bruises all around. Jay didn't know if he had been this bad early and his thoughts were inhibited by his relief of seeing the pirate again, or the boy's condition had simply gotten worse.

" Uma give him the potion now, hurry. " Jay feared at any moment that he would lose the boy. Uma rushed over, pushing Gil out of the way and held the glass vial to Harry's red lips.

" Come on Harry, drink up. " She whispered. At first he made no movement but then opened his eyes and tried to clasp the vial of liquid with his own hands. Instead when he weakly tried to raise his arms they fell right back down. 

He opted to just open his mouth and drink the liquid. After the first sip, he sputtered, sitting up.

" It tastes like piss. " Uma gave a weak smile and encouraged him to keep on drinking it Jay went and sat at the edge of Harry's bed. For the next 7 minutes the two pirates and the thief watched as Harry took small sips of the potion, complaining about the taste. Once he was finished Jay saw the effect it had on his body.

His cuts were healing, the bruises fading, even his lips, which were dry and cracker were now looking healthy and full. Jay smiled, nor smirking, and let out a small laugh.

" It's working. " Uma returned from her sensitive self back to her snarky one.

" Yeah no shit. " She must reserve being polite for Harry, wait, did she have feelings for him? The thought made Jay's blood boil.

" Hiya Jay, you don't so look very good. " Harry looked at Jay, giving him his signature smirk. The type of smirk that could make all the girls on the Isle and even some of the boys melt.

" I wish I could say the same, but let's be honest, you always look good. " Harry sat up, now feeling much better. He grabbed a fistful of Jay's shirt and pulled him forward, their faces only separated by mere centimeters. 

" I know. " Jay's face burned, not ever being this close to a person before. He was going to try and make a clever comeback before Harry leaned forward and kissed Jay.

Yay, I hope you liked their first kiss. I know, super short chapter, I'm just out of ideas for where I want the story to go. Apologies for any grammatical, continuity, or spelling errors.

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