What Happened

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Finally you'll all be finding out what happened to Harry, though I hinted at it strongly last chapter it's nice to have assumptions affirmed. Soon I'll be introducing Carlos, probably in the chapter after the next. Now on to the story.

Uma deliberated for a moment after hearing Gil's words. After a long while of absolute silence, she sighed and spoke.

" I'll take you to him. " Jay let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. She motioned for him and Gil to follow her as she walked to Harry's room. He slightly tensed as he found himself sandwiched in between Uma with the sword and Gil with his muscles. Uma quietly walked into what Jay assumed was Harry's room and signaled for Jay to come with him. Gil opted to stay outside. What Jay saw in Harry's room made his heart drop.

Harry lay on his bed almost unrecognizable, almost his entire body covered in cuts, blood, and scars. His shirt had been discarded, thrown on the floor and Jay understood why. Harry's stomach was wrapped in dirty gauze, and Jay could see a lot of blood peeking through the bandages. His face had a long cut running down, his black left eye swelled shut. Harry's one good eye fluttered open when he heard people coming into his room.

" What're you doin here princess. " He croaked. It broke Jay's heart to see the strong pirate, the first mate of the Lost Revenge's crew,...broken. 

" He came here looking for you, real worried. Guess he had a hunch something was wrong with you. " Uma

 said from the corner of the room. Jay turned around to look at her, forgetting she was in the room as well.

" I said I didn't want anyone seeing me Uma. " Harry growled. He tried sitting up but ended up tipping over to the side, hitting the floor with a thud. 

" Oh jeez Harry. " Uma sighed. Jay walked to the other side of the bed and picked Harry up which was quite a task considering how heavy Harry was. He placed him back on the bed, making sure the pillows supported his head.

" Harry, I know you didn't want anyone seeing you like this and I sent the crew away, but in doing so I sent all the thieves away too. We'll need Jay to seal the medicine that's going to help you. " Harry just grumbled, not looking Jay in the eye. Jay didn't know what to do, what should he say, should he just leave.

" I'm going to go and get ready for tonight's heist. Jay'll stay here with you. " Jay suddenly panicked at the thought of being left alone with Harry.

" No wait -" Uma didn't listen and left the room. He could've sworn he saw her wink at Harry. 

Jay stood for a moment, unsure of what to say. Does he ask what happened, no, Harry wouldn't want to talk about it. Does he say nothing, that'd make the whole thing even more awkward.

" So, you, um, knew something was wrong with me? " Harry asked, and though his face said he didn't care, Jay could hear that hopeful note. Harry hoped that Jay not only knew something was wrong, he cared enough to come check on him.

" Yeah, I hadn't seen you in months. No one would tell me where you were. " Harry scooted a bit and patted the space beside him for Jay to sit. Jay hesitated, but ending up laying beside Harry.

" I...I didn't want anyone seeing me like this, specially not you. " Jay could feat the heat rising in his face, but it cooled down at a dark thought.

" Harry-" Jay carefully took Harry's hand in his own, lacing their fingers together. Harry didn't look at him, but he didn't object.

" What happened to you? " Harry sighed and took his hand back.

" Way to ruin the moment. " 

" Harry. " Jay said sternly.

" You know, I don't have to tell ya anything. " Jay could see Harry was annoyed at Jay's prying, but he had to know.

" Harry I need to know. "

" Just go away ya git, I didn't ask you to come here. " Harry was getting angry. He didn't want to tell him anything, he didn't want to admit what happened.

" Harry!" Jay gently used his hand to force Harry to look at him.

" What happened. " Jay whispered. Harry mumbled something incoherently, looking at the ceiling.

" What? "

" Me dad, he did it. " Harry said, his voice barely audible. Jay didn't say anything he just took Harry's hands in his Harry's face contorted in pain as he shifted so he could rest his head on Jay's shoulder.

" I was polishing my hook on the Jolly Roger, my dad was drunk, dronin on about what nuisance my little sister was. I wanted to tell him to shut it, but I kept quiet. Then he insulted me. Talkin about what a disappointment I am. I rolled my eyes and he saw. It just, it set him off. " Harry said with a blank face. Jay looked at him and saw himself. Just two boys beat by their fathers. Maybe that's why they were drawn to each other. At that moment Uma walked in with a grim face.

" Time to see how good of thief you are Jay. " Jay groaned and gave Uma a dirty look.

" Where are we even getting medicine? What does Harry need? "

" Disinfectant, but no has any except Facilier. " 

" Facilier? Dr. Facilier, I'm stealing from him? "

" Sure are, let's go. "

Sorry it took me so long to update. I was going to do it Friday but I got roped into helping someone move and then I had school. I hope you like it though. Added in a cute Jay and Harry hand holding. Also, I just published the first chapter of a new fanfiction for the Umbrella Academy. If you like Umbrella Academy, go check it out. It's called The Umbrella Academy.

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