The Thief Cares

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I want to thank everyone who's read this story and voted on it, especially CamiHolland115. It means a lot to me that people like this story.

Jay ran towards the dock, a million thoughts going through his head. Harry would never leave Uma's side, she was his captain. He kept running into people, sometimes pushing them on the ground if they didn't get out of the way fast enough. He knew Captain Hook was abusive, just like his father. With father's like that, it didn't take much to set them off. Set them off so much that they lose control. It had only ever happened once to Jay, but it took months to get better from the beating. Emotionally, he still wasn't alright.

He got to North Port where the Lost Revenge, the ship where Harry lived, was docked. It was crowded with sneering pirates who weren't too excited to have a VK on their turf. He walked up the board that led to the ship, expecting to be confronted by the crew but the only person there was Gil and Uma. They were talking in the corner in a hushed voice. Jay stepped off the board and onto the ship trying to be quiet, but instead, stepped on a squeaky board. The two looked over at him, Uma's face went from concerned to a snarl.

" What the hell are you doing here! " She said rather then asked. She walked right up to him, getting in his face.

" I'm looking for Harry. " Uma looked back at Gil who looked distraught, but didn't say anything.

" What's wrong with him? Uma, I know something's up. " Uma still looked angry, but was now also suspicious. 

" Why would you care if somethings wrong with him? You guy's aren't even friends. Have you even had a conversation with him? " 

" Yes. "

" What about? "

"......Batteries. "

" Ha, batteries? You're not friends Jay, go away. You've got no reason to care about Harry's health. " Uma snarled, her hand resting on the handle of her sword. Not so subtly implying that if he didn't leave, she'd make him.

Jay wanted to say something, but he didn't know what. Uma was right. He had no reason to care about Harry, he wasn't friends with him, they weren't together. He wasn't even sure how he felt about Harry. He had hardly ever talked to the guy. He should leave, he had no reason to be on that ship. 

No, he may not know why or how he could care for Harry when he didn't know him, but he did care. He did care for the pirate. He never use to think that he could for others beside himself. But Mal, and Evie, and Harry had proven him wrong. He did care for other people. The no good thief cared.

Uma was walking towards Gil again when she noticed Jay was still standing there.

" Jeez Jay, go the hell away. "

" No. " She rounded on him, growling.

" No? Did you just say no to me? " 

" Uma, I can help. I can help him. Whatever he needs I'll give it to him. " She drew her sword, causing Jay to instinctively step back.

" Uma, let him help. " Gil forlorn. Jay and Uma looked at him. 

" Harry needs real medicine, the kind that requires a good thief to get. Neither of us are good at stealing, Harry was the thief. We need Jay, Harry needs Jay. " Uma looked as if she was debating something, sighing she sheathed hew sword and looked at Jay.

" I'll take you to him. "

I really enjoyed writing this chapter, and yes, even though it's short, it was fun writing Jay's feelings. Sorry, for again leaving the story on another cliffhanger but I wanted this chapter to focus on Jay accepting his feelings. Apologies for any spelling and grammatical errors.

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