Welcome To Auradon Prep

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Worrying thoughts consumed Jay's mind while Evie covered up the bruises he got from from his father. Mal watched the scenery of Auradon race past. Carlos gorged himself on the candy, shoving laffy taffy, jelly beans, and chocolate into his mouth without taking a moment to swallow.

" How are you doing Jay? " Evie asked softly.

" I'm fine. " He said quietly. He couldn't stop thinking about Harry. What would he think about Jay leaving? Would Jay ever see Harry again? All the thoughts swirling in his head pissed off Jay. He swatted Evie's hand away and moved away from her.

" What's up your ass? " Mal asked harshly, tearing her eyes away from the window of the limo.

" Nothing, leave me alone. " He huffed.

" Hey. " Mal sat beside him and put her hand on his shoulder. In a way that she imagined was comforting but really was awkward.

" I'm sorry your dad beat on you, but don't take it out on us. " The noise inside the limo became quietly as both Carlos and Evie watched the pair silently.

" I didn't mean to- I- I just- ugh! " He couldn't find the words to tell Mal what he was feeling. Truth be told, he wasn't sure himself. He was scared, angry, sad, annoyed. There wasn't one specific emotion.

The four were silent before Jay broke it.

" I just don't want to fucking Auradon Prep, I mean come on. I don't need to see all the tacky watches and froofy dresses. " He said lightheartedly. It changed the mood and the four got to talking about Auradon, imagining how stupid it was. Evie awkwardly laughed along with them, but Jay could see the laughs weren't genuine

" Can you imagine all the stupid clothes they're going to wear, the dresses and ridiculous tuxes. " Mal snorted.

" Whats a tux? " Evie asked.

" Do you really think there are dogs in Auradon? " Carlos asked shaking. Jay put his arm around the shaking boy comforting him.

" Oh I wouldn't worry about any dogs attacking you, you so cute they'd probably rather go after a real man. Like me. " The group laughed.Carlos's eyes lit up as he spotted something on the floor. Blue fabric with hints of gold, he grabbed it. It was soft, smelled clean. His mother would love it.

" What do you got there? " Jay asked, reaching for it. Carlos held it away from him.

" Nothing. " The two boys didn't notice the limo slowing down. Didn't notice the scenery change from green forests to an old looking castle. The girls got up to leave while the boys continued to fight.

" If it's nothing, then give it. "

" No. " They tugged on the scarf in the small confines of the limo, Somehow in the struggle the limo door opened and the two fell out. Jay managed to get a firm grip on the fabric and yanked the fabric away from him. When he looked at what was infront of him he almost gagged. A prim and proper  older brunette stood there dress in a light blue. Beside her was some douche wearing a ton of blue and gold. The sad-sack clutching to his arm was pretty, he'd give her that, but she donned all pink and that made him want to jump off a cliff. The older women spoke,

" Welcome to Auradon Prep. "

" Oh dear Lord. "

" I think I'm gonna hurl. "

" Jay let go of the scarf.

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