The Fairy And The Thief

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I'm sorry about not updating for so long, I figured no one would actually read my story and like it. I forgot about it for a few days, but I'm back. This chapter won't really have Harry in it, but I promise the next will. And again, I'm sorry for getting any information wrong, I have not read the books.

Jay was 11 years old when he met Mal, the daughter of Maleficent. He was in school at Dragon Hall, he walked by her in the hall and he tried to pickpocket her. He was almost immediately caught, which surprised the thief. He was almost never caught, he was good at what he did. The purple haired girl grabbed his wrist and took the money he held in his hand.

" Trying to steal from me isn't a very smart idea. Do you even know who I am? " The girl snarled at him. Jay shook his head, recovering form the shock of being caught. 

" Nope, but I'm impressed. Almost no one catches me when I pickpocket them. " The girl's scowl didn't cease, but she did let go of his wrist. She stuffed the money back in her jackets pocket and crossed her arms. Jay got his first good lock at the girl. She was dressed in a purple leather jacket, with black leggings and long black combat boots. She looked pretty tough for an 11 year old.

" I'm not your every day idiot. Your Jay, right? Son of Jafar? " 

" Yep, how'd ya hear about me? Am I that famous of a thief? " Jay gave his best smirk and watched the girl laugh. Not a nice laugh, more of a you're so stupid it funny laugh.

" Hardly, Harry told me about you. " Jay's face twisted into confusion as he tried to remember  anyone he knew by the name of Harry. Then it dawned on him, the pirate!

" Harry, son of Hook. Hmm, haven't seen him in a while. "

" He hangs out by the dock, hardly ever comes inland. " The girl's face softened a fraction of a degree. Jay wondered if her hair was her natural color, or if she had it dyed it. He was pretty sure people weren't born with purple hair.

" So who are you? Why wouldn't it be a good idea to rob you, I rob everyone. "

" I'm Mal, daughter of Maleficent. I don't think she'd appreciate her daughter being robbed by the son of two bit salesman. " Mal grinned at Jay, his mouth falling slightly agape upon figuring out who the girl was. There was no magic on the Isle, but even so, people knew Maleficent was still dangerous. Jay suddenly got an idea and smirked.

" Well how would she feel about you being associates with the son of a two bit salesman? " Now it was Mal's turn to be surprised.

" Associates, like...friends? Villains don't do friends. "

" We don't have to be friends, just associates. I look out for you, you look out for me. " Mal considered this, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to have someone look out for her. Though she doubted how much use the thief could be to her, he was pretty muscular. Even though she was the daughter of Maleficent, people still didn't fear her as much as she would like. She wasn't sure if it was because of her age or because was a girl, but with Jay she could easily intimidate anyone.

" Alright then, we're associates. So associate, you wanna get outta here and go do something fun. "

" Obviously, this place is severe. How about we go to old Tremaine's place and trash it. Scare the crap out of little Dizzy. " Mal laughed a wicked laugh and gestured to him to follow her as she walked away. On the way to Tremaine's, Mal and Jay got to talking. They talked about their favorite villains, their favorite places to hang out, and their favorite kids to pick on.

" So you like messing with..Shrimpy? I don't think any villain is cruel enough to name their kid a name that terrible. " Jay tried recalling who Shrimpy was. Surely he must've met him or her.

" Nah, her real name is Uma. She's the daughter of Ursula. I just call her Shrimpy to make her mad. " They both laughed at that and continued on their way.

" So since you're the daughter of Maleficent, are you like, part fairy or what? "

" Yeah, pretty much. I'm not sure if I could do any fairy magic or whatever, but sometimes my eyes glow green. " Jay looked at her, his face full of confusion.

" They glow green? Cause that's not weird. " Mal hit him in his shoulder.

" What's weird is that you have longer hair than me and I'm a girl. " Jay rolled his eyes.

" It's a style choice, and to be honest, I think you're just jealous cause my hair looks better than yours. " They laughed. Though Jay said they were just associates, they soon became friends. They talked about meaningless stuff, but Jay wondered why Harry had told her about him. Probably told her about how he was the cause of Harry getting hit, how he was a no good thief. He didn't know why, but over the course of two years he had thought about the pirate a lot. He wondered about what the boy looked like now, what he was up to, if his father still hit him. He'd bet his favorite lamp that he did.

Hope you liked this chapter. For some reason I have the idea that Jay collects lamps, hoping one of these days one would have a genie in it. This chapter didn't have a lot of Harry, but it's just because I wanted to focus on the start of Mal and Jay's friendship.

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