Jaylynn: Luke

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I rolled my eyes as Luke left the decaying hotel lobby my team was currently in. Behind me, Dash and snarling and Lev and Melody were both letting out sighs.
"I'll go find him." I offered, and walked out of the lobby into a long hallway. I ran my hands down the dusty walls of the hallway, and cringed upon meeting with cobwebs and destroyed paintings.
"This place is in horrible shape." I muttered, and continued till I found an elevator. I stared at the elevator that looked like it hadn't been touched for years.
"That doesn't look safe." I chuckled, and continued on walking till I found a large green door with the word, "Stairs." Written in large white letters above it.
"Good enough." I shrugged, and bounded up the long flight of stairs, while calling Luke's name. He hadn't answered yet, and I sighed,
"Luke? Please answer." I groaned. Still no response, and I stopped at the staircase I was on to open a door that led to floor two.
"Nah." I shook my head. Knowing Luke, he was probably on the highest floor, which happened to be the third. I made my way up the last flights of stairs, into the long hallway of the third floor.
This floor was certaintly in better shape than the other floors, and the walls weren't even half as dusty. I continued down the hallway until I ended up at the last door on the right, and I pulled on the handle, and pushed open the door. Luke was sitting on the one bed in the room, and I smiled.
"Hey." I casually waved. Luke looked up at me, but didn't respond.
"You know, my team's pretty frustrated with you leaving." I giggled, and sat down beside him. Luke let out a soft chuckle,
"Yeah. I'm not surprised.". I smiled, and leaned my head against the pillow behind me,
"Good choice of a room." I gazed around, looking at the tidy surroundings. Luke nodded,
"I'm glad I found it.".
"It defiantly suits you, very quiet." I took a minute to listen, and all I could hear was the gentle hum of the air conditioning in the room.
The black haired guy played with the strings on his mask.
"How high is the radiation in this place?" He asked, I grinned and whistled.
"What are you-" Luke blinked, as my dog came running into the room. "Aah." He chuckled, and I smirked, patting my dog on the head. I bent down beside Apprentice, and checked his collar.
"What's it say?" Luke asked me, and my jaw almost dropped when I checked the percentage. "
Zero percent." I said, and Luke gasped,
"Are you serious?" He got up, and I nodded. Luke put his hands back to pull of the strings that held the mask on his face. I took deep breaths, while watching him take it off, praying the radiation wouldn't get any higher in the few seconds.
"Jay! Luke!" A voice called out, and I flung my head towards the sound. Luke dropped his hands and turned his attention my way. At the door, stood Melody as she breathed heavily. "What's wrong?" I leaped to my feet, "We found more survivors." She explained.

Luke and I followed right on Melody's trail as she led us to the second floor of the hotel. I could hear talking as I followed my friend, who opened the door in front of her. When I entered the room, my eyes instantly scanned around it and I saw Lev and Dash talking to three girls. My gaze shifted to them.
The first girl, was a girl smaller than me with long baby pink hair and skin the colour of snow. She had no gas mask on her face, and I realized the difference in both eyes. One was a lime green colour, and the other was a golden yellow, like mine.
The girl beside her had a very delicate and small build, looking to be only eight or nine years old. She had curly, golden blonde hair, and wore a cream coloured winter hat on her head. The girl, to, did not have a gas mask, and my gaze met with pretty brown eyes.
I looked at the girl for a few seconds, and then turned my attention to the last girl.
She was beautiful, to say the least with long dark brown hair that reached her thighs. The tips of her hair were a dark purple that faded into lavender, making her hair even longer. I looked up towards her eyes and noticed the were a dark blue, with flecks of magenta. Something was odd about her eyes though, from far away they resembled space. To make it even weirder, the girl was wearing a baggy shirt with a space pattern on it. I looked at the top of the girl's head and realized she was taller than Fiona. "Hello." The girl said, her voice almost a whisper.
"Hi!" The pink haired girl giggled, waving at us with a huge smile on her face. Lev explained to Luke and I that the pink haired girl was Cerise, the small girl was Mia, and the brown haired girl was Nova.
"Hello." Luke and I said in unison, and Lev softly chuckled.
"So, you three interested injoining our group?" I smiled at Mia, who was looking at me very shyly.
"I don't see why not!" Cerise squealed, and I smiled.
"Cerise, I don't think this is a good idea. We don't even know them." Nova clutched onto Cerise, keeping her back.
"There just like us though. Humans. Why would they want to hurt us?" Cerise explained, Nova sighed, "Alright. What do you think, Mia?". The small girl looked up at the two other girls, and gave a little nod. I smiled warmly,
"We'll join you." Nova said.
"Great!" I cheered. Nova shot us a warning glance,
"But only for a few days.". Lev nodded, "Fair.". Mia walked over to me, "You're hair is really pretty." She said with a shy smile on her face.
"Aw, thanks." I smiled back,
"Your hair is pretty too.". Mia gave me a happy smile.
"Why aren't you and you're team wearing gas masks?" I asked her,
"Nova said the radiation is really low in this place." She explained to me. Apprentice walked up beside me, and the girl giggled,
"Hi puppy!" She gave my dog a pat on the head. Apprentice wagged his tail, and licked Mia's hand. I smiled at the two, and looked up to see my team talking to Nova and Cerise. Mia looked up at me,
"What's your weapon?" She curiously asked. I pulled both hand guns out of my belt, and showed her,
"Those are cool. I don't really like weapons though." She sighed.
"I don't either." I agreed, and Mia smiled at me.
"What about you?" I asked, and the girl pulled out a small sledgehammer. I almost laughed, quite a strong weapon for such a tiny, innocent girl. Mia studied my gas mask,
"You know you can take that off.". I nodded,
"I like my mask." I lied. In truth, I didn't want anyone to see my eye. "Listen up everyone!" Melody announced,
"We've decided who will be sharing rooms." I looked at my friend.
"Dash with Lev, Cerise with Nova, Mia with me, and Jaylynn with Luke." I blushed heavily.
"I think we'll have to find another room on the third floor." I explained. Luke nodded, and the two of us set out to find another room. We walked down the long hallway until Luke stopped at a room in the middle. I stood beside him, and pushed open the door, taking a few seconds to look around. It was defiantly as nice as the room Luke had chose before this. Clean walls, a small sitting area, a clean bathroom, and two
comfy beds.
"This will work." I grinned, and leaped onto the bed closest to the window.
"I call this bed!" I cried out. Luke groaned,
"But the bed near the window is my favourite.".
"Too bad, loser." I snickered, and Luke sighed. I didn't have time to react as my friend leaped towards me, and shoved me off the bed. I yelped as I hit the floor with a thump.
"Mine now." Luke put his arms behind his head, and shut his eyes.
"Not tonight, it isn't." I got up, and shoved him with all force possible. Luke groaned as he slipped off the bed, and I leaped onto it. He advanced towards me again, and I hissed,
"Get your own.".
"Fine, you win." Luke put his hands up in surrender and walked towards the other bed. Apprentice ran into the room, and leaped onto the end of my bed.
"See, Apprentice agrees." I smiled, "Sure." Luke shook his head. I looked at my dog, and checked his collar again.
It's still zero percent." I explained. Luke let out a sigh in relief, and slowly pulled off his mask. I watched as his mask fell to the ground, and I closely examined his features. Luke was oddly attractive with his messy black hair falling in front of his face, and just barely covering his bright blue eyes. He had a strong jaw line, and perfect eyebrows. My friend seemed to notice me staring,
"Is something wrong?" He asked with confusion on his perfect features. "No." I blushed, and looked away. I placed my hand on the back of my gas mask, but then remembered about my yellow eye.
"I have to use the bathroom. Be right back." I waved, and rose to my feet. I pushed open the bathroom door, and shut it behind me, immediately throwing off my gas mask. The person in the mirror was me, and instead of my left eye being yellow, it was the normal purple again.
"What?" I blinked in confusion, and stared closer into the mirror. The yellow eye was defiantly gone, and I sighed in relief.
"Thank god." I whispered, and pushed open the door, walking back into the main room. Luke was laying back on his bed with his eyes closed, and I couldn't help but stare at him. He opened one eye to look at me, and stared back.
"Okay, that's creepy." I laughed, and walked over to my bed, laying down. Luke smiled and shut his eyes again. I don't know what I was thinking when I walked over to his bed. My hands seemed to move on their own accord, grabbing onto Luke's hoodie and pulling him close. Are faces were just inches away, and I could feel my heartbeat speeding up. I didn't waste any more time, and smashed my lips against his. Luke's lips were soft, and I pulled him even closer. I realized that Luke had not reacted at all, and I let go of him, and averted my gaze.
"I'm sorry." I blushed, making every effort not to look at Luke. He kept his gaze locked on mine, and I finally looked at him, are eyes meeting. Luke grabbed onto my leather jacket, and pulled me towards him. Our lips met once again, and I placed my hands around his neck. Luke put his hands on my back, and my heart beat increased. The two of us let go of each-other, and I regained my normal breathing.
"I should go to bed. It's getting late." I looked out the window to find it was dark.
"Me too." Luke blushed, scratching his neck and I walked towards my bed. I crawled into my bed, and shut off the only light in the room. A smile made its way onto my face, as I placed a finger on my lips.

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