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I had a terrible feeling. And it wasn't my head. No, it was a dark feeling in my core, and it was making me squirm as I walked.
"Do you want to stop, Luke?" Serenity asked me. She was walking beside me the entire time, and I could practically feel her gaze.
"Yes." I sighed. I hated stoppi everybody else. But this bad feeling was making me fear the safety of the team.
"Guys!" Serenity called to th group that was ahead. They all looked back, and seemed to realize that it was me. They all walked over, and we found somewhere to set up camp for the night.
The feeling became worse and worse, and I found myself having trouble breathing from it.
"I'm going to go for a walk guys." I announced, and I made for a exit.
Serenity stopped me for a moment though.
"Wait! Let me come with you!" She smiled widely, but I could nearly detect something else in her eyes.
I nodded, and we both strolled into the open world.
"I wonder what this world was like when it wasn't radiated like this." Serenity said to me. I shrugged absently. Honestly, Jaylynn was on my mind. I wonder how she was.
"Luke?" The girl beside me suddenly asked, and I looked at her, pushing away my thoughts for the moment.
"I er.." She stopped and took a moment to calm herself.
"I love you Luke." She burst out.
I blinked, and tried to register what she was saying. But I was about to say something anyway.
But whatever I was about to say, got drowned out by a scream. We both instantly turned towards the camp. It was Zayna's scream. When we got there, Darian was on the ground, bleeding heavily from a wound to the stomach.
Somehow, a mutant had managed to hold a dagger, and pierce him with it. I felt sick and I pulled out my gun.
Zayna was crying over her brother, to not even realize the same mutant swing down with the dagger.
Her body fell when the dagger connected with her throat.
"Zayna!" Serenity screamed with complete terror, and I felt my blood freeze.
Bladen quickly killed the mutant, but mutants pooled in from all the exits. This was going to get even uglier quickly.
"Guys we have to go!" Bladen screeched at us. I snapped out of a faze that I didn't even know I was in, and grabbed Serenity's wrist and dragged her out. Bladen tried to follow, but with his injuries, mutants quickly piled on him. He fell under the mess of mutants, his screams quickly fading. I heard Serenity sob, but it sounded.. Distant.
"Luke! Their all dead!" She screamed at me with uncontrollable cries.
It finally made it's way to my mind.
All my new friends are dead. They.. All instantly died.
Serenity began to blindly fight mutants. I don't think she even cares anymore. I began to fight with a new fury, and I let out a battle cry as I hit a mutant with my gun.
"Luke there's too many!" Serenity cried out, as one shoved her frail body hard.
"Serenity run!" I shouted at her, desperate to at least have one friend still alive.
"I can't- Ah!" She shrieked as her weapon was wrestled from her hands. Now weaponless, the mutants came upon her like a wave.
"Serenity!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I'm sure I'd suffer from that later. If I'm even alive later.
I paused, and found my percentage of living going down more and more.
"Damit all!" I hissed and fought my way through mutants brutally. Most weren't on me, so I finally broke through, and sprinted away.
I never stopped running, until my energy disappeared.
I collapsed to the ground, and breathed heavily. Everything hurt.
But most of all, my heart. I felt myself shaking, and I sobbed loudly.
"Why! Why does everyone important leave me!" I shouted to the empty air. I rested my forehead against the ground, and I sunk my fingers into the soft soil.
"Why, why why?" I whispered over and over again. Feeling grief crash down on me. It made me feel empty, angry, miserble, but mostly lonesome.
When I looked around, I realized that my vision was tinted blue, and I knew that my eyes were glowing brighter than they ever have been.

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