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Feeling free is one thing.
Feeling the freedom to breathe is another.
I could feel my heart erratically beating as I stared at the outside world. Was this really the end of the radiation? The end of constantly fighting. Not wondering if I'll live to see another day. Yep.. We're finally escaping this radiated hell.
I looked over my team mates. The states of us were awful. Every one of us had a scar inside and out to remind us of this. But hopefully, our new lives could make us focus on something else.
I stood beside Jaylynn, and linked hands with hers and smiled.
"So when do you think they're going to fix this place?" Jaylynn asked, and I grunted.
"Once they dump the people who decided nuclear was the new green in the middle of it." I said to her. I don't know how many billboards I had stumbled upon that spoke about "nuclear being the new future" or something.
"Luke?" A gentle voice spoke from behind, and I turned around to see Ashley, standing there shyly. Jaylynn and I both exchanged glances, before I walked over to Ashley and crouched down.
"Can I see your face without the gas mask on?" She asked, and I laughed.
"Well not yet silly. We gotta go to Canada first. Maybe then, I'll let you see my face." I smiled, but inwardly cursed at how ridiculous I'm going to look with my blue glowing eyes. That, and how paranoid I'm going to act. I can't imagine walking around without a gun and a hunger cramp every five hours, and sleep deprivation.
Living the life like a normal teenager should? I can't imagine it. I've already gone through enough with this. And what about everyone else? Jaylynn transforming into a mutant? That'd get her sent straight to a lab, and on an operation table faster than you could blink!
I realized I was staring blankly at Ashley, as she began to look uncomfortable under my gaze. I blinked, and stood up. I guess I'll leave that to when we actually get there. Until then-
"Flight 325 will be departing shortly. Please board immediately." A voice spoke overhead, and I jumped, my hand immediately reaching towards where my gun was. But after I looked at the rest, I relaxed when I just saw them moving towards a door. Jaylynn bounced over to me, looking just as cheerful as she did the first time we met. That felt like it happened years ago.. Me scavenging for anything, and Jaylynn leading me back to the camp... Oh god.
I followed Jaylynn, holding Ashley's hand to make sure she kept up. I felt an abnormal brother protectivness over the young girl, and I made her hurry up a little.
The door closed behind us once we entered, and we walked through a hallway until we got outside. My mouth fell open as I stared at what was called an "airplane." Never before had I seen such a big vehicle!
I looked down at Ashley, and I could see that she was getting nervous. She began to fidget a little more, but I continued to lead us to the plane. Once we boarded, I had to duck my head a little. It was pretty small...
I sat down beside Jaylynn, and let Ashley sit beside Mia.
"I can't believe we're leaving here!" Jaylynn exclaimed, practically exploding with excitement. I offered a smile, and tried to imagine a world with civilized, living people all around me..
I pushed the thought from my mind, and instead looked at the present. Everyone seemed so happy. I couldn't blame them. But what if Vancouver isn't what we want? What if we were made to live it rough?
I found myself losing myself in thought, until I heard the captain jabber a couple things on the overhead. Suddenly, the plane began to move, and I looked at Jaylynn. She smiled at me, and we waited for us to take off.
Once we got to the end of the runway, I noticed a guard on top of the airport building. He had a sniper rifle, and was shooting mutants off of the runway. Once the bodies were cleared, the plane picked up speed gradually, until I could feel the wheels on the plane lift off of the ground. It made my stomach tighten, as I didn't imagine getting sick over flying..
I looked at Jaylynn, but she was staring out the window.
I closed my eyes, and tried to clear my mind.
"Luke look how high we are!" Jaylynn nudged me, and I shook my head, refusing to look out.
Finally, after my eyes got sore from squeezing them shut I opened them slowly. Almost instantly I felt the need to throw up. But I fought back the urge, and controlled my stomach.
Jaylynn could see my pale face, and she giggled.
"So I guess flying isn't your thing huh?" I glared at her weakly, until she pulled my head down onto her shoulder, and I sighed softly. I was gradually starting to feel better. I looked over at Ashley, who seemed to look sick too, and was barely keeping her last meal down. Huh, maybe it's a family thing.
This went on for a couple hours. But I slept for most of them on Jaylynn's shoulder. Feeling relaxed for the most part. The rest was trying to get used to flying.
Suddenly I heard the captain say somethings on the overhead again, and I could instantly feel m stomach recoil in horror as it got a little bumpy.
"Ughh Jaylynn I don't think I'll make it.." I groaned. Jaylynn brushed her fingers through my hair.
"Shhh don't worry. We're landing in a couple minutes.." She murmured. I felt the plane abrubtly land, and I looked up and out the window. Sure enough, we landed. But already, the world looked ten times different. It was.. Sunny.. Super bright sun too. It wasn't covered by clouds. I got up, and got out of the plane. There was blue sky all over. The air already smelled of freshness.
"Walk in between the two lines." A lady ordered sharply as I began to walk away. I stopped. And realized there was indeed a line or two.
I walked in between the lines, all the way to the building. Once I entered, I saw everyone gathering. I walked over, and they were ripping off their gas masks, gasping in the much needed air. They were laughing, cheering, and dancing around. They didn't mind the weird looks. I was nervous to pull off my own gas mask though. I felt a small tug on my hoodie, and I looked to see Ashley standing there. She still had her gas mask on too. I smiled, and crouched down.
"Ready?" I asked her and I reached up to my gas mask. She nodded excitedly, and reached for her own.
We both slowly pulled off our gas masks together, and stared at each other.
To say we looked like each other, was an understatement. The only difference, was Ashley was a girl.. So she had a softer face, and long hair. But we both had the nose, mouth, and eyes!
Yes, her eyes glowed too.
I was too shocked to say anything. She seemed quite surprised too.
"So.. Family thing?" She asked, but I became confused.
"But.. I don't think I was born with glowing eyes.. Did you expose yourself to radiation?" I asked her, and you could tell she was searching through her memories, before she shrugged.
I smiled, and hugged her.
"Well, it's good to see my little sister." I told her, and then stood up. I looked behind me to see Jaylynn waiting for me.
"Everyone is going their seperate ways. You should say goodbye." Jaylynn told me, and I walked over to the group. One by one, I hugged each of them, and gave them a departure comment. And wished them the best of luck. Promising that everyone will meet again. Soon, only Jaylynn, Ashley and I stood in the airport. I looked to the two girls, and grinned.
"So what now?"

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