Luke: Welcome to BlueBrook

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That's what people should see my eye color as.
But with this mask that covers my face, all you can see, is their own reflection from the lens.

I leaned against something that one would once call a tree. I gazed down at a city that stretched out below.
I frowned, and looked at the shotgun in my belt, and the ammo that connected all around my waist.
I contemplated on skipping the city, but something almost drew me to it.
So I made my way carefully down to the city.
The sky was dark. It has been for 30 years now, or at least what I've heard. I've never seen the warm glow from the sun, and the blue sky. People used to comment on how my eyes looked as blue and as beautiful as the sky itself.
But of course, those things were only here, before the radiation came. When the government really screwed the planet over.
My name is Luke.. Just Luke. There's no need for last names anymore. I don't even have a last name anyway. I don't have a family that will claim me as their own.
After all, in their minds, I'm their downfall. Me and my glowing eyes.
I reached the city, and drew my shotgun from my belt. I took the safety off, and carefully patrolled the city. It's never safe anywhere. There's not usually many "mutants." But they aren't mindlss. If you have your guard down, it'll be the last mistake you make.
A bit of rubble shifted, and I immediately raised my gun, and narrowed my eyes.
A flash of green, and I nearly dropped my gun, as I backed up defensively. I aimed my gun, and listened carefully. When I finally saw what was moving around, I wasn't pleased.
A girl stood there with glowing green hair and a big gas mask covered her face, like mine. I wasn't entirely sure if she was a mutant, but I didn't lower my gun.

"Wait! I'm not a mutant. I'm like you, a human!" She told me, and raised her hands in surrender. I searched her with my gaze, and noticed two guns strapped to her sides. I frowned, and finally lowered my gun. But I kept my distance.
"I'm Jaylynn!" Her voice sounded way too cheerful, and I instinctively stepped back.
She seemed to notice, but she carried on.
"There's a refuge camp ahead! You can get some food and drink there." She told me. I simply nodded at her to lead. She shrugged, and began to walk quickly into the city.
As we went deeper, I noticed a couple things. Like the air was slightly greener, and the clouds grew darker.
There can't possibly be people living here!
But my thoughts began to clump together, as I noticed the dim lights ahead.
"It's getting dark. You should stay here for the night." Jaylnn's voice interupted my thoughts, and I looked over at her. I really disliked the idea of staying by other people.
She caught my hesitation, and she turned to me.
"What are you afraid of?"
I nearly choked, as I thought of million reasons why I'd be scared.
Mostly because no human can breath normal air, and that there's crazy mutants all over!
"You don't speak much, do you?" She asked inociently. I grunted quietly.
"What's your name?" She carried on. She really never shuts up, does she?

"Luke." I grumbled.
She brightened at my response, and she picked up the pace.

"How old are you?" She asked.

"16." I replied, as I scanned the area, everytime I took a step.

"Same!" She exclaimed, and then smirked as she playfully punched me in the shoulder. I shot her a glare, and she somehow saw it, as she giggled.
'What is wrong with this chick?' I thought to myself, as I watched her jump around. Like she doesn't have a single thing to worry about. I rested a hand against the top of my gasmask, and watched her.
I'm really unfortunate when I meet people.

*Written by Fan_Fic_Forever*

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