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"C'mon C'mon!" I hissed as I lifted Jaylynn up, but felt my body react painfully. I needed rest badly, but I wasn't going to just lay down.
I looked at the rest of the team. I wasn't going to lose another team mate. They all stared dumbly at me, and I walked past them and led us out of here. "We've got to get a camp where we're far away from mobs like this." I spoke out strongly, and looked back to see Jett and Melody picking up Dash. I looked back down at Jaylynn, and sighed. It'd be useful if we knew medical stuff. Let alone, have supplies.
I sped up a little bit. I knew that everyone was exhausted, but if we stopped, then we'd be a free buffet for mutants. People began to complain behind me, and I listened to their conversations, but never joined in. Some tried to start a conversation with me, but I chose to ignore them completely. I was scared that if I spoke, then I'd fall apart. Finally, it grew darker, and darker. I had to pause to grab my flashlight, before I continued on. Jaylynn's leg had stopped bleeding. I had my hoodie sleeve pressed over the wound, but I knew that wouldn't stop infection.
"Hey a house that actually looks stable! Can we rest?" Jett spoke up, and I looked up from Jaylynn, to see there was indeed a faint outline of a house ahead. I looked back at the group, before I looked back at the house. Suspicion was making my skin crawl. But I didn't say anything until I reached the house.
"I'll go in first. You all stay here until I give a signal that it's safe." I told them, and left Jaylynn with them before I entered the house quietly. It seemed like a typically old house. But... Something was achingly familiar that made me want to study this place for hours straight.
"Wh-Who's there?!" A young voice sqeaked, and I instantly drew my weapons, choosing to use the new gun. It felt slightly heavier than my original. But I could tell it was stronger.
Soon, I noticed a head poking out from a doorway. They held a innocient, but terrifide expression. She had a gas mask on, that looked far too big for her, and had black, long hair. I could just barely make out big blue eyes under the dark lenses. But what shocked me, was this was a little girl! She looked like she was ten or something!
I went down onto my knees to look less threatening, and I could already see her wanting to run into my arms. I could see tears already pooling at her eyes. I offered a smile, and she sniffled.
"Wh-Where's my mommy and daddy?" I felt my heart stop. But it quickly restarted from the anger that boiled in my stomach. How can so many parents abandon their young?
I smiled wider at her, and even squinted my eyes a little.
"I'm here if you want." I said to her calmly. She lowered her head slightly, before she raced into my arms, sobbing into my chest. I curled my arms around her softly. She clutched my hoodie tightly, and I rubbed circles on hers. I looked slowly around the place. It really did seem pretty stable. But for whatever reason, it was making me have flash backs of my parents.
Finally, the girls cries have died down to hiccups. I picked her up, and smiled at her. She offered me a weak smile, but her bottom lip still trembled.
"Hey, it's alright. I've got some friends that would like to meet you though." I said to her, and she nodded. I brought her outside, and everyone's eyes went wide.
"Um Luke?" Jett asked, barely containing his surprise.
I smiled goofily at him.
"Why in the world do you have a child?!" He exploded at me, and the girl flinched.
I shot him a glare that said 'not helping.'
"I found her alone in the house. We're going to stay there, alright?" I asked the group. They nodded, and I looked to Jaylynn, who was laying on the ground.
"Hey has anybody been watching her?" I asked quickly, feelig my heart seize at how still she had become. I put down the girl to rush to Jaylynn's side, and grasped her hand. It was cold. I pressed my head against her chest, but it was silent. No hearbeat. I lifted my head too quickly, and felt my neck become sore in the process, but I couldn't care less.
"Did nobody watch her?" I shouted at the group, and the girl slowly walked to my side.
Everyone was still in shock, and I could tell they were still trying to register it all.
"Sorry..." I heard Lev mutter, and I held myself back from lunging at him. I could tell Asher was in the same boat. But we both knew that wouldn't help right now
"I know how to help her!" The girl gasped, and I looked at her quizically.
"You do?"
"Yeah get me a mutant body, and I'll do the rest!" The girl, suddenly sounding a lot better, commanded. I paused to think it over, before I shot off to find a mutants body. I finally found one, and came back to the girl, who was sitting over Jaylynn's unmoving body.
I rested it beside her, and she smiled at me in grattitude.
"Do you have a knife?" She asked, and I handed her my dagger. Everyone held their breath's, as the girl sliced the mutants arm smoothly, and held it over Jaylynn's wound. After a couple moments, she laid the hand back, and watched Jaylynn intently.
I was confused, but stayed silent. Suddenly, Jaylynn began to weakly cough, and I was about to sob in happiness. I rushed to her side, and hugged her, but the girl softly pushed me away.
"She's still weak. Don't squeeze her to death.. Literally." She told me, and I nodded.
"Well let's head in then." Melody announced, and we all walked in together. There weren't many bedrooms, but there weren't a ton of us anymore either.
I watched the little girl talk to the others, and they cooed at how adorable she could be. Finally, I pulled her away.
"Thank you so much for what you've done. What's your name by the way?" I asked her, and she smiled widely at me.
"My name's Ashley! What's your name?' She asked.
"My name is Luke." I told Ashley. But what I didn't expect, was her to freeze on the spot.
"Y-Your name is Luke?" She asked quietly, and I nodded at her, frowning.
"My parents told me about a Luke before.. They tried to give him to a safe house so he could be safe.. But he ran away. They always talked about him."
I didn't know if I heard her right. She was speaking quickly. But I knew I heard correctly by the expression she gave me.

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