Jaylynn: Dr. Lockwood and Kayleigh

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I wandered around the camp, while twirling a green piece of hair around my finger. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop worry about Luke. He'll be fine. A sigh escaped my lips, and I heard someone come up beside me.

"Hey Jay, what's up?" Melody smiled at me, and I looked at her,

"Oh hi!'" I smiled.

"You okay?" She looked at me, obviously noticing I wasn't my normal self.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Come on, this isn't the normal you." Melody touched my shoulder.

"I'm worried about that new guy, Luke." I admitted, Melody grinned at me,

"You like him."

"No I don't!" I hissed, and pushed her away. Melody laughed,

"Lie all you want."

"Would you stop it! You did the same thing when I was worried about Dash!".

"You seem more worried about this new guy." My friend raised an eyebrow, and flicked back her brown hair. I growled,

"I'm just worried that's all! What if he doesn't know how to fight?" Melody giggled, and shook her head.

"Mel, you know me. I worry about others." my friend shrugged.
"Anyways, where's the rest of our team?" I asked her, and Melody sighed,

"No idea. Last time I saw either of them was last night.".

"They better not have left camp. It's dangerous out there." I growled,

"Dash and Lev will be fine. They're good fighters." Melody put a reasurring hand on my shoulder. I looked towards the edge of the camp, and noticed Dash and Lev headed our way. Beside them, was my dog, Apprentice.

"I was worried, you idiots!" I hissed at the three, and ran towards Dash and Lev, pulling them both in for a hug.

"You need to stop worrying." Lev chuckled. I let go of the two, and bent down to pet my dog.

"Hi boy." I smiled, and snuggled Apprentice, who wagged his tail in response. Lev grinned, and walked away to go talk to Melody.

"So Dash, find any mutants?" I smiled at my best friend, and stood up.

"Lev and I ran into a few, but it's been pretty quiet." He explained to me, and adjusted his red glasses.

"Where's that new guy?" Dash looked around,

"Oh Luke? He went on a mission with Kylen and his friends.".

"He's quiet." He chuckled,

"That's for sure." We both laughed.

"I managed to get a smile out of him though, twice!" I cheered, Dash avoided my eye contact,

"You can make anyone smile." He blushed,

"Aw thanks." I beamed, and pulled him in for a hug.
"Well, I have to go get a check up with one of the doctors." I waved to Dash, and headed for the small doctor's office. I walked into the office, and looked at the walls that had their paint chipped, and I could smell cinnamon drifted around.

"Hi sweetheart!" Beth giggled, and bounced towards me. I sighed in discomfort, and looked up at her.

"Hi." I replied,

"What brings you here?"

"I want to get a check up with Dr. Lockwood."

"Oh okay dear, I'll go tell her." Beth waved to me, and left the room. I took a seat on one of the chairs. A few minutes later, Dr. Lockwood appeared in the doorway. She was quite a pretty woman in her early forties, with chin length auburn hair. She always had a positive attitude and a warm smile.

"Hello Jaylynn." She smiled at me,

"Hi Dr. Lockwood." I rose from my chair, and entered Dr. Lockwood's office. Dr. Lockwood gestured for me to lay down on the examination table. I laid down, and Lockwood went on to my normal checkup. When she was finished, I sat up from the bed, and she looked at me.

"It seems the radiation in your body is at a low rate right now. The only that seems to be highly effected is your hair, but that shouldn't spread to the rest of your body. Just keep wearing lots of protective clothing, and you should be fine." Dr. Lockwood explained, and rested her hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you." I waved, and left the building. "

"Hey Jaylynn." One of the girls in our camp approached me. Her name was Kayleigh, and she was a beautiful girl about my age, with long blonde hair. Kayleigh was the popular girl in the camp, and Zylen's girlfriend.
"Have you seen my team, they disappeared this morning." She asked,

"I saw them leave camp with our newest member Luke. Haven't seen them since." I shrugged.

"Ah." Kayleigh took a quick glance around camp, and then sighed,
"This is the second time they have taken off without me."

"Don't worry about it. They'll be back." I smiled, and Kayleigh smiled back.

"You're a kind person Jaylynn.".

"I'll go help you look for them." I suggested,

"Great idea!" Kayleigh giggled, and pulled the backpack off her back,

"I'm all ready."

"Me too." I pointed to my handguns in my belt.

"Let's head off then." We exchanged grins, and left the camp.


I examined every dying tree, stump, building, everywhere we went. There were still no traces of Kayleigh's team, Luke, or strangely, any mutants. I was caught wrong, when a small mutant appeared from behind a building, growling and hissing at Kayleigh and I. Kayleigh pulled out her pink machine gun and aimed it at the creature. She shot it forwards, and the bullet impacted with the mutant, and it was dead in not even a second. I looked at Kayleigh, and smirked, before pulling out both my hand guns. At least six more mutants appeared, and I shot down two of them with my guns. The exploded in a pool of blood, and I cringed, aiming it towards another mutant.

"Jaylynn, behind you!" Kayleigh shouted, and I looked behind me to find a large mutant, swiping it's large pale, grey hand toward me. I leaped away from the creature, into the air, and aimed one gun at its head, while the other was aimed for another mutant. My hand released the trigger, and both collapsed onto the ground, dead. I landed right beside the mutant,

"Yuck." I examined it's features for a second, and then continued to help Kayleigh, who was shooting the creatures down, one by one. I helped her by killing the last one, and we turned toward each-other, and high-fived.

"We are experts at this." She grinned,

"Oh yeah we are." The two of us chuckled, and headed onward.

"Kylen! Fiona! Titan!" Kayleigh shouted out, and sighed, "Idiots. They probably ran into a huge group of mutants, and are stuck."

"They'll be fine. Anyways, it's getting dark. I have a feeling we should head back." I pointed at the darkening sky.

"Yeah, good idea." Kayleigh pulled out a flashlight, and handed it to me. We looked once more behind us, and then went back to the camp. I couldn't help the bad feeling inside me, and I started to wonder if Kayleigh was right. They might be stuck in the middle of the city, with a pile of mutants each trying to kill them.

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