Jaylynn: Hurt

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I don't know what came over me when I watched Luke walk in the other direction. Something inside me snapped. I felt the anger burning under my skin, as I glared at the back of Luke's head. Melody laid her arm on mine, but I just brushed it off and took off after the running Luke. The black haired guy didn't even look at me, or turn around.

"Would you stop being a jerk!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, as tears fell down my face. My team looked shocked as they stared at me, but I paid no attention.

"You think you can just keep running off, and no one is going to care! But of course we care!" I continued, still screaming. Luke kept walking, with his head low.

"Okay, you know what? I don't care anymore, I'm tired of babysitting you!" I pushed Luke, and ran back to my teammates. Melody tried to calm me down, as I collapsed in a heap at my feet, sobbing. My friend kneeled on the ground behind me, and cupped my face in her hands, "Hey, it's alright." She whispered, and kissed me on the forehead. I covered my face with my hands, and sobbed even more, as Melody rubbed my back.

"Dash, stop." I heard Melody say, and I opened my eyes. Dash had a look of pure hatred in his eyes, as he shouted at Luke,

"How dare you hurt her! Do you know how much Jaylynn's been through! Yeah, you probably don't even care!". I watched as Luke started sprinting away from us, and Dash shouted after him,

"Stay away from her, you here!". Dash stopped screaming when Luke was out of sight, and he turned to me, with kindness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." He held out his hand, which I took and pulled myself up.

"I can't stand that guy anymore." Dash snarled, and pulled me in for a hug. I sobbed into his hair, and stared off into the distance. Luke was long gone.

The team was silent as we continued walking through the abandoned city. I thought back to our kiss, and hissed under my breath. Why did I ever have to fall in love with him. My hands balled into fists as I stared at the barren world around me. Mia walked up beside me, and squeezed my hand. I instantly warmed up upon looking at her face, and I loosened my fists. She was so young, so innocent. Melody came up on my other side, and clutched my other hand in hers.

"We'll get through this. We always have." She gave me a warm smile. I tried to smile back, "Oooh, look!" Cherise giggled in an attempt to cheer me up.

"What is that?" I blinked, looking at the large abandoned building ahead of me. It was in excellent shape, with no broken windows, and it looked almost too nice for the area we were in. I almost thought I was seeing things.

"It's a swimming pool!" Cherise did a little jump, and pointed to a swimming sign ahead.

"Oh." I blushed, and chuckled softly.

"Come on," She grabbed onto my hand, and pulled me toward the building. I laughed as the two of us ran towards us, until I heard Cherise scream, and I stopped in my tracks. Cherise and I met with the figure of a mutant only a few feet ahead of us. The pink haired girl shrieked, and brought her baseball bat down towards the creature. I watched in shock as the mutant dodged with a speed I'd never seen before. He landed on the ground not too far away, and I loaded my hand gun, and released the trigger. The mutant dodged once again, and I felt panic settling. What was with this mutant? Dash shot, but yet again the mutant dodged. "Stop, please." The creature heaved, and held up his hands in surrender. I blinked in confusion. "What?" Cherise stuttered out. The mutant raised his head, and looked straight at Cherise and I. My eyes widened in shock when I released I'd seen this mutant, or human, before. With the messy brown hair, light blue skin, and golden eyes. The person in the gas station. I kept my handgun aimed at his chest, as he walked closer to the group. The mutant moved the hair out of his eyes, and I realized he only had one. The left eye was sown shut.

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