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I stared at the corpse of Dash, but stayed my distance. My best friend was dead. The tears wouldn't come though, as anger burned through my veins. All I could think about was killing all mutants. I balled my fists, and found the dead mutant who killed Dash.

"How dare you kill him!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, and kicked and shot at the mutant so many times it didn't even look like a mutant anymore.

"There's more mutants!" I heard Melody shriek and I rose to my feet,

"You're all going to pay." I hissed, and felt the anger coursing through my body. I darted in front of my teammates, and let my transformation take over. Then, I sprinted at the mutants full speed, and dug my claws into multiple creatures at once.

"I hate you all!" I screeched, the anger growing. A mutant ran for me, but he was too late. I dug my claws into his arm, and slammed him into the ground. More mutants approached, but these ones were more cautious. I took a step backwards, and then pounced, aiming for the middle mutant. The two of us were thrown into the ground, and I began tackling them as we rolled around on the ground. I then raised my claw, and dug it into the mutants chest, who let out a scream before falling dead. When I looked back at my group, they all had horrified looks on their faces. I know I had become a monster, but I didn't care. My claws dripped with mutant blood, as more and more attacked me, only to end up dead. Two more mutants cautiously stepped toward me, and I smirked before dodging both attacks from them, and then coming up behind the mutants. I slid my claws down each of their backs, and kicked both of the down. Then, I pulled out my gun and shot both in the head. I glared at their dead corpses, and turned to see even more mutants approaching.

"Goodbye." I snarled, and ran full speed at the approaching mutants. I then took out both handguns, and shot down the mutants while at the same time, dodging their attacks. A mutant swiped at me, but I ducked, and kicked them in the chest. Another came up behind me, and I used the back of my guns to hit the mutant in stomach. The creature fell to the ground, struggling to breathe, and I shot them right in the head. A loud screech filled the air, and I looked to see a mutant barreling toward me. I reloaded both guns, and leaped into the air once the mutant got close. It didn't seem to notice I had jumped, and while still in the air, I shot in twice in the back, killing it instantly. I landed on the ground beside the mutant, and realized that I had killed all of them.

"Jaylynn." Jett placed his hand on my shoulder, but I just ignored him and sprinted toward Dash's lifeless corpse. I kneeled on the ground beside him, and pressed down on his chest, trying to get him to breath again. It wasn't working, so I opened his mouth and pressed my mouth against his. I wasn't being cruel to Luke, I just so badly wanted my friend alive. A sudden gasp made me let out of small laugh in joy, and I wrapped Dash up in my arms.

"Hey." He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

"I couldn't lose my best friend." I squeezed his hand, and handed him my gas mask. Dash thanked me before placing it over his face, and his breathing returned to normal. "I'm so happy you're alive." I wrapped him up in another hug, which he returned. Dash looked over at Luke, who was keeping his distance from the group.

"Luke." He called out, and the black haired guy looked at him with shock in his eyes. "Thank you." Dash smiled. I smiled back, and mouthed a 'thank you' to Luke before I heard Dash let out a groan.

"Dash?!" I panicked and turned to see that a mutant had stabbed Dash in the stomach with it's claw. "No!" I screamed, and shot at the mutant, who took off.

"Dash, please." I grabbed his hand, and noticed the pain on Dash's expression, but he kept a weak smile.

"Please...you can't die on me. Dash." I cried out, as the tears poured down my face. The blue haired guy squeezed my hand and looked straight into my eyes,

"Jaylynn, I want you to now that you've been the best friend that everyone wishes they had. You've always been such a kind, bubbly girl. And I love you." He coughed out blood at the last second, and I watched his body fall limp in my arms, as I held up his torso.

"Dash!" I screamed, and buried his head in my chest, as I cried into his hair. I then let go of him, and examined his face, that held a peaceful expression. "You've always been my best friend to." I hugged him once again, and kissed the top of his head. Melody came up beside me, but I only ignored her as I kept cradling Dash. I shut my eyes, and held Dash tighter in my arms. Melody placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, and I gave her a faint smile.

Then I saw the same mutant, running toward us. I gave the creature a nasty snarl, and then transformed into a mutant. The two of us collided, and threw each other onto the ground, and I stared into the dead eyes of a female mutant. She hissed at me through her sharp teeth, and managed to land a long scratch down my arm. I shrieked in pain, and threw her off me, quickly taking out my handgun and aiming it at her. The mutant girl easily dodged, and threw her arm out at my legs, but I dodged at the last second. I could hear guns from my teammates being fired, but the girl managed to dodge every single on of them. The gun shots stopped, and I stalked toward the mutant, who was baring her teeth at me. She suddenly pounced, and slammed me into the ground. A cry of pain escaped my lips, as the pain split through my back. The girl then slammed her sharp claws into my leg. I screamed, and scratched the girl across her face. She only smiled devilishly, and dragged her claws across my chest, and I groaned at the stinging pain. I tried to throw her off, but she wouldn't budge. The mutant stabbed me once again in the same leg, and I shrieked. That's when I heard a bullet being fired, and the mutant rolled off me. When I turned my head to look at her, I realized she was dead. Luke was standing above me, staring at the wound in my leg. I coughed up blood, and stared down at my leg, that was oozing blood. I suddenly knew all too well of what was happening.

"Luke." I breathed, and the black haired guy kneeled on the ground beside me,

"Jaylynn needs help!" Luke shouted, with pure fear in his voice. Melody and Cherise came running, their weapons covered in mutant blood. I watched the two of them run to me, but it was too late. I felt my life fading as I focused my attention on Luke's face.

"I love you." I whispered, placing my hand on the side of his gas mask. I then gave him one last smile, before everything went black.

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