Jaylynn: Near Death

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The guy gave me an evil smirk as he kept me pinned to the wall, and I hissed at him, and tried to kick his leg. I missed and screamed as the guy punched me in the stomach, and the wind was knocked out of me.

"Let go of me." I cried out, as the guy punched me over and over. He said nothing, and only snickered as I wheezed in pain. My hand reached for my gun, but the guy tore it from my belt, and tossed it far from my reach.

"Please." I felt fresh tears as I tried to tear the guy's strong hands off my arms. The guy growled at me and grabbed my hair, pulling it and throwing me into the ground. I shrieked in pain as my body made contact with the ground, and I tried to pull myself up. A kick in my back knocked me back down, and the guy rolled me over with his boot. I hissed and snarled at the guy, as he placed his boot on my chest.

He smiled at me, and pressed down on my chest.

"Aah!" I groaned in pain, and remembered the hidden dagger I had in my pocket.

My left hand reached for it, and I tugged it out. Before the man noticed, I threw it at his leg and it embedded itself.

"Ouch!" The man shouted out, and looked at me with pure venom in his eyes. I sprinted as fast as I could towards my gun, and I bent down to scoop it up. I felt cold metal in my hands as I picked it up, and I ran towards the fence. My legs burned, but I urged myself to go faster. The man was right on my heels. I placed a hand on the barbed wire fence and hissed as it embedded itself in my skin. It didn't matter though, I had to get away. I pulled myself over the fence, and landed on the ground, instantly going back to sprinting. The man was still behind me, and I felt tears gathering as I tried to run faster. My legs gave out as I leapt over a curb block, and I collapsed onto the ground, shrieking as I did so.

Get up, you have to get up. I whispered to myself, as I got back to my feet. The man shoved me down, but I didn't react this time.

"Please, someone." I whispered, and tried to pry my hand out from under me. The man tugged harshly on my arm, and he shoved me against a barren tree.

"Where's your gas mask, woman?" He grinned,

"I don't need one." I snarled. The man placed his freehand on my neck, and applied force. I choked and coughed as I felt my oxygen fading. The man squeezed harder, and I wheezed. He laughed at me, and I looked down to see his bleeding leg. I tried to speak, but it wouldn't come out of me. I couldn't breath. The corners of my vision starting to fade, and I made gurgling noises as the man squeezed even harder on my neck.

"Let her go!" Dash suddenly came up behind us, and he punched the man in the back. The man hissed in anger, and easily threw Dash into the ground with his other free hand. I watched as Dash laid on the ground, reaching for his rifle. He leaped to his feet, and loaded it, aiming it right at the man's head.

"Kill me, and you kill her too." The man said, and held me up by my neck in front of him. Dash's eyes widened,

"No, please." He cried out. My vision was fading, and I knew exactly what was going to happen. I was going to die.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Melody slammed her fist into the man's face, and he was sent tumbling to the ground, releasing my neck. I collapsed onto the ground, as my vision went black.


"Jaylynn, wake up." I heard a kind voice, and I blinked open my eyes. Dash was sitting beside me, brushing the hair away from my face. I coughed, and released I was laying in my bed. "How are you feeling?" He asked, and kissed me on the forehead. I instantly remembered that I had been attacked by some crazy guy, and almost died.

"Okay." I whispered. Dash pulled the covers over my shoulders, and I smiled softly.

"Is Melody okay?" I asked, and sat up, worried about my friend.

"She's fine, but I think she's pretty tired. Mel hit that so many times, that he took off." He chuckled softly.

"Thank god." I smiled, and stretched out my arms.

"Is that Luke's hoodie?" Dash stared at the black hoodie, and I blushed.

"No, it's, uh, mine." I lied,

"It's okay Jay. I know you miss him." He said.

"You don't mind?" I blinked,

"No, of course not." He smiled. I looked at Dash for a few seconds, and then pressed my lips against his. Dash kissed me back, and pulled me closer to him.

"Hey, how's Jay?" Melody suddenly walked in, and froze. I let go of Dash, and blushed, looking at the ground.

"Oh. Sorry." She scratched her neck, and her face went as red as a tomato.

"I'll leave." She went to leave the room.

"No, it's okay." I smiled, and waved to her to come sit down. Melody sighed,

"I hope you're feeling okay now, I beat that guy up so much, that I bet he'll be bruised for a week." She giggled, and hugged me.

"Thanks Mel. You guys are always here for me." I smiled. I hissed in pain as I let go of Melody, and I stared at my injuried arms.

"You poor thing," Melody empathized, "why don't you go take a bath. Might ease the pain." She helped me up. I smiled my thanks, and picked up some clean clothes on the way to the bathroom. My body complained in pain as I walked into the bathroom.

I peeled off my clothes, and stared at myself in the mirror. My body looked horrible. Multiple bruises covered my arms, legs, stomach, and the worst was on my neck. I gingerly touched the large, purple bruise on my neck, and hissed as it stung.

"Ouch." I let out a groan, and I walked towards the bathtub, turning on the tap. I made sure the water was as hot as it could be before I sunk into it. When I got in, I first let out a gasp, but then relaxed as the water soothed my sore bruises and muscles. I closed my eyes, and leaned my head against the bathtub. It felt so comforting, and Melody was right, it did ease my pain.

I then reached for the bottle of vanilla scented bath soap, and rubbed it into my skin. Everytime the soap touched my bruises, I had to bare my teeth.

I never wanted to leave the relaxing bath, but I knew I couldn't stay here forever. I got out of the bathtub, and my eyes scanned the area outside the window. I then found myself searching to make sure that man was gone. I sighed in relief upon noticing he was, and I walked towards my clean clothes, putting them on. When I left the room, I found all my teammates sitting in the living room. I took a seat beside Mia, and yawned.

"Hi." She gave me a warm smile, and I smiled back.

Mia and I looked over to the others, who were all taking to one another. I let out a relaxed sigh, and listened to my friends talk.

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