Jaylynn: The mysterious yellow eye

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I opened my eyes to see the grey clouds looming outside, and the mist that surrounded the area.
Across from me, I heard Luke let out a quiet snore, and I turned my head towards him. He laid with his stomach down, his head buried in the pillow, and his limbs sprawled out over the bed. I couldn't help but giggle at the sight as I pulled myself out of bed. "Luke?" I whispered, but then stopped myself. He needed his sleep.
Luke was still fast asleep and I sighed in relief. My eyes however, couldn't stop themselves from scanning over his toned back. He was certaintly muscular. I blushed when I realized what I was doing, and turned away, walking to the bathroom.

In the mirror, my reflection gazed back at me. Once again my eyes were normal. I scratched my head, and then shrugged.
"Hmm." I walked over to the shower and picked up a bottle of shampoo. "This smells nice." I grinned, sniffing it. The scent of lavender wafted around.
I shut the door behind me, and peeled off my tank top and leggings. In a pile beside me, lay my clean clothes, which I had brought with me. I leapt into the small shower, and pulled the curtain, turning on the hot water. The warm water felt so relaxing on my back, as I ran my hands through my long hair. It felt like an hour had passed by, and I groaned upon turning off the water. I instantly began shivering, and pulled a white towel around my body. A sudden knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts, and I turned. Whoever was there didn't waste any time waiting for a response, and opened the door.
"Oh, hi." Luke blushed when he realized I was in a towel.
"I guess that makes us equal then," I chuckled.
"What's up?", Luke tried to avert his eyes,
"I keep hearing whispering." He ran a hand through his still wet hair.
"Hang on a sec." I told him, and he left me in peace.

I sighed, and starting worrying about him. What if the radiation was affecting him? Could I have been wrong about the percent all along? I took deep breaths to calm myself down, as I pulled on my grey hoodie and camouflage sweat pants.

Luke was sitting on his bed, hands in his hair as he stared at the ground. "You still here it?" I asked him, and patted him comfortingly on the back. Luke nodded, and I picked up his gas mask from the bedside table.
"Here." I have him a warm smile, and slipped the gas mask onto his face. "Better?" I asked, he took a minute to listen.
"Not really." He sighed, and I frowned and took of the mask.
"You know, I've always had a bad feeling about this place. I'll ask the others if we can leave." I suggested, and Luke smiled.
"Who knows, maybe it's haunted!" I pretended to be a ghost, and jumped out at him.
Luke laughed, as our eyes made contact. Not again. I blushed, and looked away, my mind instantly going back to our first kiss.
"We should go find the others." I said, while still looking away.
"Good plan." Luke got up, and I grabbed my backpack and threw it over my shoulders.
"Let's get out of this place." Luke sighed, and I nodded. The two of us searched the hotel, and eventually found our teammates on floor two. The rooms were okay in here, but defiantly not as nice as floor three. Melody pulled me in for a hug,
"I was worried about my best friend. Although, I guess you've got Luke." She teased, and I blushed.
"How do you like not wearing a mask?" I let go of Melody, and examined her features. I had never seen Melody's appearance in my whole seven years of knowing her. She was quite pretty, with warm brown eyes, fair skin, and mocha brown hair. Melody walked closer and examined my once yellow eye.
"It's not yellow anymore?" She blinked.
"Yeah, I don't know why." I shrugged. "Hm." Melody studied the ground for a second.
"Hey." Dash came up beside us, and I looked over at him. He was quite handsome with bright blue eyes, his red glasses perfectly framing then. "Hi." I smiled. Lev lounged over, and yawned. His appearance was one that would make almost any girl fall for him. Spiky, messy blonde hair, teal blue eyes, and tanned skin.
"Can we all sit down?" I asked my teammates.
"Sure." The five of us took spots of the bed. I sat in between Dash and Melody, and Luke and Lev sat across from us. Mia, Nova, and Cherise joined, us beside Luke and Lev.
"Luke and I have both agreed that we leave this place." I announced.
"Thank god." Lev sighed and fell onto the bed. Everyone chuckled.
"Anyone else hearing strange noises?" Luke looked around, cautiously .
"I have." Dash nodded, and the two shared an awkward glance at each-other.
"Me too." Cherise nodded,
"Ever since I've been in this place, which was a few weeks ago, I've been hearing that."
"We're defiantly getting out of here then." I sighed.

The eight of us made our way out of the hotel, and I stayed in the front with Melody, and Nova. The mysterious girl looked down at me for a second, and then back to her surroundings.
"What's with you and Luke? You're usually right at his side!" Melody playfully punched me in the shoulder. "Nothing." I lied, a blush returning. "Oh come on, I haven't even seen either of you make eye contact, or talk. That's a bit strange for you." Melody winked.
"It's nothing." I growled, and looked around the abandoned street we were on.
My gaze travelled up toward Nova, and I realized that through her mask, she was staring into space.
"Are you alright?" I asked, and touched her shoulder. Nova slightly nodded. I knew she was lying,
"You can tell me.". Nova shook her head, and walked up ahead of Melody and I.
"Well, she's friendly." Melody sighed,
"No kidding." I chuckled. Cherise came up beside us,
"Nova takes a while to warm up to others. Many of our old teammates have turned against her. Especially because of her powers." The girl explained.
"Powers?" Melody and I said perfectly in sync.
"She can see the future. Well, only in flashes. Certain buildings, areas, trigger her to see the future. I think she saw something just then." Cherise said. I blinked,
"How, though?".
"Radiation. I honestly don't know how it did that.".
"Amazing." I said.
"Can I ask you about your eye?"
"Uh huh." Cherise smiled.
"Did it disappear at one point?" "Yeah." She nodded.
"Mine has done that too." I said, pointing to my left eye. Cherise grinned,
"I only made mine come back, because I wanted it too.".
"You just have to think about it.". I shut my eyes, and thought about the yellow one for a few seconds. My eyes reopened, and Melody peered into the lense of my gas mask.
"It's defiantly yellow." She gasped. My breathing sped up, as I looked around the area. Something wasn't right though, I felt, different. I suddenly pulled off my mask, and I didn't feel the craving for oxygen.
"Jaylynn, you're immune to radiation." Cherise said.

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