Jaylynn: Danger in The Camp

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My eyes opened to the dark blue walls of my room, and I yawned. I felt arms curled around my waist, and I sleepily looked behind me. Dash was fast asleep, with his head against my back and his legs curled up. A smile appeared on my face, as I watched him sleep for a few seconds. "Dash? Jay?" Melody suddenly called and I carefully pried Dash's arms off my waist. Melody pulled open the door just as I scurried towards it.
"Hi,"" She gave me a warm smile, "How are you feeling."
"Good." I smiled back, and stretched my arms.
"Do you know where Dash is?" Melody looked behind her.
"Why?" I asked,
"We're all heading out for a mission, if you'd like to join us.". I looked at her for a few seconds, debating whether or not. Then, I remembered what happened last time I fought the mutants.
"It's okay." I said, and Melody nodded. I watched my best friend walk off, but she stopped in the hallway.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah." I replied.
"Be safe Jay." My eyes softened,
"I will, Mel.". Melody gave me a smile and then left the house.
"Where's Mel going?" Dash came up beside me, and placed a hand over his gas mask.
"Out with our team. Feel free to go." I explained,
"You're not going?"
"No, I want to, but I just need a bit of alone time.".
"I can stay with you." He offered, and squeezed my hand.
"I'll be okay. Go on." I smiled, and nudged Dash's back with my hand. "Okay." He kissed me on the top of my head before running off. I watched him leave and then collapsed onto my bed, letting my mind run wild.

My thoughts were mostly of Luke, and I tried to stop them. He wouldn't go away though. I sighed, and rubbed my eyes, staring up at the ceiling.
"I miss you Luke." I whispered, and got up from my bed, finding one of his old hoodies. I took a look around and then pulled the hoodie over my head, snuggling it closer to myself. My eyes wandered out the window, and I watched as rain fell. The first rain I'd seen in weeks.
"Thank god." I giggled, and crossed my arms.

I watched the rain fall and then returned to my bed, pulling the covers up over my body. My eyes felt heavy, and I began drifting into sleep. A sudden bang woke me awake, and my eyes flung open. It could have just been my teammates, but just to be sure, I crawled out of bed. I held both my handguns ready, and stared out the window. No movement of any kind.
"Weird." I blinked, and was about to return to bed, until I heard another bang. This time, it was louder. My breathing sped up as I reached for the door handle, my sweaty hands grasping it.
"Calm down, Jay." I said to myself, tugging open the door. I was silent as I stalked down the halls, and I urged open the front door. My gun held at my side, I walked into the open air. I didn't see anyone, or anything.
"Nice camp." I heard a snicker, and I snuck behind the house and peered around. A tall man that looked to be in his early twenties was kicking down useless items in our camp, and picking up others.
"Hey!" I screeched without thinking, and aimed my gun at the guy's head. "Whoa lady." The man said, as he placed down the backpack.
"Here, okay?" He pushed it forwards. I took careful steps towards the man, glancing from the bag, to him. My hand clutched around the bag, and I went to pick it up. Just as my hand touched the bag, I felt a shooting pain in my side as I was thrown up against the side of the house. The man grinned at me, as he pinned me with his strong arms.
"Get away from me!" I screamed.

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