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It was a week after those guys attacked Jaylynn. It was also a week after.. Things happened between Jaylynn and I.
I smiled softly at the memory, and felt my heart warm when I thought about her.
My thoughts drifted to the sky, as I stood outside alone. I decided to leave after dinner to go on a walk. I ran a hand through my hair, and stared at the sky. I was both surprised, and overjoyed to see the sky was brightening a little. It was almost like the radiation was disappearing it's self.
I stared at the sky, until I felt an intense pain in my shoulder. It was nothing like I'd ever felt before. I hissed slightly, and immediately grabbed at it.
My hand immediately began to feel sticky, and I realized I was bleeding. In other words, I was shot.
I looked up, to see a tale man. He glared dangerously at me, and held a gun. He immediately stormed up to me, and pushed me down. I flinched when my shoulder made contact with the hard ground.
"Useless trash! How could you kill all the group?" The man snarled, and I knew what he was talking about.
"Get over it. Their dead." I growled. The man kicked me in the gut, and I gritted my teeth. He grabbed my coat collar, and lifted me up. He pressed the gun against my temple, and he sneered.
"I should just shoot you right through your skull right now!" He spat. I curled my lip, and tried my best to hide my growing pain. He narrowed his eyes, and I felt him tighten his grip on the gun, ready to shoot me.
I closed my ehes, and awaited everything to disappear.
But I still felt the horrible pain in my shoulder.
I slowly opened my eye to feel myself drop back to the ground.
I grunted, and looked up. The man was on the ground, bleeding out heavily. He had a long slash along his stomach to his chest. He was gasping and looked at me with hate.
I watched the light fade from his eyes, and I looked up to see a hooded figure. At least, they looked hooded.. My vision began to have black dots dance across it. I slowly began to realize that I was suffering from blood loss, and closed my eyes as sickening waves overwhelmed me.

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