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The bad feeling that I had from before, returned. I looked around anxiously.
"So this happened after.." Jett was saying, but I wasn't paying attention. I knew something was wrong. But I didn't know what.
I looked at the guys, and they were laughing together. I looked at the others in the room. All their voices and laughs echoed in my mind, and I frowned.
"Hey where'd Jaylynn go?" I asked Melody, who was talking to Dash.
"I think she went for a walk or something." She said, and I saw Dash begin to tense at me. I turned away before Dash could open his mouth, and walked out. I walked outside, and looked at the sky. There were still a couple hours left of sunlight. Although my eyes were beginning to get sore, I progressed into the ruins. I found some footprints, and began to follow them. I was horrifide with the scene that I nearly walked into. I was so focused on the footprints, that I didn't see a group in front of me.
I immediately pressed against a wall of what used to be a building, and listened carefully.
"Hah so what you said about her is true! She is a pretty one!" A man practically shouted, and I curled my lip in disgust. I knew these men.
"Let go!" I recongnized Jaylynn, and fury filled me. I reached for my gun, but stopped myself. No, I wasn't about to become a murderer. Maybe I could.. Talk to them or something.
"Maybe we could sell this one, just like the rest!" Another man laughed. That made me instantly snap. I drew my gun, and instantly shot that man in the head after I revealed myself. I shot two other, before I looked at them for the first time.
"Hey man! Haven't seen you for a while! Ready to pay me back?" The man that held Jaylynn sneered at me. I smirked at him, and shot a man that tried to pull out his gun.
"Sorry. Got no cash still. Besides, that was just one drink I spilled." I shrugged to him. Jaylynn watched me, and I saw the look in her eyes, and I narrowed my own.
"Sorry. But you can't take her." I said to the men.
"Who asked you?!" One spat and lunged at me with a dagger in his hand.
I ducked smoothly under his weapon, and twisted his arm and made him drop the dagger.
"Not smart." I whispered into the man's ear, before I twisted his arm so far, he began to scream. I wasn't feeling merciful today, so I shot him in the stomach, and let him drop.
"You're still a god damn monster." I heard the leader mutter, and I nearly laughed.
"Are you really allowed to say that? I mean, have you looked in a mirror recently?" I asked him.
"Would you guys settle this later?!" Jaylynn exclaimed. The man tightened his grip on her, and I sighed.
"I was hoping I wouldn't have to make you suffer. But I guess you leave me no choice." I told him, and picked up the man's dagger. I realized though, that this was my original dagger, that had suddenly disappeared.
"Seriously? You stole this?" I rose an eyebrow, and glared at the man. I tightened my grip on the dagger, before I lunged at the man before he could speak.
I wrestled him away from Jaylynn, and cut along his shoulder deeply. He yowled, but I didn't stop. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see it myself, and stabbed into his eye. His scream was sickening, but I kept it there. Until I opened my eyes, I nearly threw up. But I kept my stoic expression the same, and glared at him.
"I'm sorry. But you can't play with whatever you want. This isn't your world." I said, and slowly dug the dagger in deeper. The man let out a shriller scream, and I felt myself nearly get overwhelmed. I finally pulled back, and watched the man instantly stutter, and fall to the ground, bleeding out quickly.

"It's sad to think of how far we've come since we last met. It was just a year ago,wasn't it?" I asked, and twirled my dagger in my hand, before I aimed it at him. He looked up with one eye, and sniffled. But he never spoke. I narrowed my eyes, and with a quick slash, I cut his throat, and turned away from the final sounds he gave me.
I heard Jaylynn stay silent for a couple minutes. I felt my breath hitch, and I realized what I just did.

"H-How.." I whispered, and stared ahead in shock. I just murdered a still living man.

"Luke?" Jaylynn asked, but it sounded like a whisper. I felt my hands shake, and I didn't even realize that I dropped my dagger until Jaylynn grabbed my hand with her's.

"It's okay Luke.." She murmured, and hugged me. I felt all my warmth leave me, even though Jaylynn was still hugging me, and tried to control myself so I didn't start to hyperventilate.

"I'm sorry you had to see that.." I rasped to Jaylynn. I just hoped she didn't look at me differently.

"It's okay.. You saved me after all." She smiled at me. I bit my lip, and stared back at her.

I don't deserve those smiles..

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