7) Playing Nice

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TW: mentions of murder, babies being harmed is mentioned. If anyone feels a trigger warning should be added please let me know. Don't forget to take care loves<3


You thought you were dreaming. But that's not the case. They were giggles from the real world. However, you didn't want to wake up. So, you did what any reasonable person would do. You groaned and cuddled further into your pillow and went back to sleep. Well, at least you tried to. When you were almost asleep you saw a bright flash. Then you shot up and something hit your head.

"Ugh, what the hell was that?" you groan as you rub your forehead with the palm of your hand.

"Ah" you hear someone squeal.

You quickly reach over to your bag and get your gun and point it forward only to see Penelope jumping up and down next to JJ and Emily who both look extremely amused. You sigh and look next to you and see how close you are to Reid.

"Ah!" you both yell as you scoot away from each other. What you didn't realize is Reid was really close to the edge and he falls with a grunt.

Once you see that he's fallen, you stare at each other wide eyed and then break down laughing.

While you and Reid were laughing your asses off JJ, Penelope, and Emily were just looking at each other worried that the two of you were getting along so well.

You and Reid stop laughing after a couple of minutes, and he gets on the couch to sit down next to you. "Wait, did you guys actually fuck? Why are you getting along so well right now?" Emily asks, baffled at your behavior.

"Truth be told, we're both kind of scared of Hotch so for however long this happens we promised we would be nice to each other." Reid says as I shake my head in agreement with what he is saying.

"Alright, everyone out of the offices. Reid, Y/N, get ready for the day and meet us in the conference room once you guys are ready." Aaron says to everyone pulling his head out of the door frame walking to the bullpen. The girls get out and you and Reid are left to get your stuff together.

"So, are you excited to be nice to me Y/L/N?" Reid asks you.

"I think you're more excited about this than me." you chuckle.


"Okay my loves. For this case we don't have to travel anywhere because it is right here in our own backyard, however, the problem with that is that we are the targets. As we know prior to your return, you went out to a case in Georgia. Five families in total were murdered. Those five were the Norton family, the Richards family, the O'Connor family, the Smith family, and the Brown family. We found out that all of the fathers were 36 years old and had a beginning initial of the letter T in their first names. The mothers ages were from 30-36 years old, the oldest children were either 11 or 12, the second oldest were aged at either 8 or 9, the second youngest were either 3 or 4, and the youngest were aged from 7 to 11 months old," Penelope says with a sad face, "We had a theory that the reason that these families were targeted because the fathers were abusing their families."

"Is that true? I mean, baby girl, you said that there was no history of hospital visits or anything like that so maybe-" Derek didn't get to finish when Penelope interrupted him.

"Oh, you fine specimen, I don't interrupt you when you speak so don't interrupt me, got it?" she says glaring at him, "Anyway, as I was saying. At first, I didn't find anything. They were all squeaky clean and that made me suspicious. So naturally, I went even deeper. And sure enough, I found out that all of the people in the families except the father had been to emergency rooms frequently. The sick part is the babies had been to the emergency rooms too."

"So, the unsub was targeting these families because the fathers were abusive," you say, "maybe he was avenging his own family, trying to get payback on his own father maybe?"

"Oh baby, I already thought of that, so I checked for any people who fit that description. I looked for what you told me in the old profile, which is, a white man in his late 20's early 30's. But, thanks to what I found out I was able to look for any males with a father whose name starts with a T and were 36 when they either died or went to prison or something and had a record for abusing their family. And I got a match. His name is Conner Malloy. Conner's father was Thatcher Malloy. Mr. Malloy's enjoyed activities were to hit his family, which consisted of his wife Jessica Malloy who was 31, Conner, and his younger sisters Ava Malloy 8-years-old, Layla Malloy 4-years-old, and Emma Malloy 9-months-old. When Conner was 11, he was at a friend's house when his dad went into a fit of rage and ended up killing all of the girls. When Conner got home, he saw all of them and before you guess, he found them exactly how he killed the little kids and the mother. It was bad, like really bad, apparently something Conner didn't do that his father did was take the blood of the girls from the floor and um...... smear it on the walls. Thatcher Malloy was caught later that week with blood still all over him. He confessed to the killings and said his only regret was not killing Conner." Garcia finished and you were stunned by the information.

How could someone do that to their family? Even after many years of this job you still can't understand it.

"So, why did he start to kill just now instead of 19 years ago?" JJ asks.

"Well, my dear, that is because his father died a mere 2 months ago."

"That's a couple of weeks before the murders started. Once he found out his father died, he went out to look for families that resembled his own because his father wasn't paying for his crimes anymore. We need to profile him further, look into him more, see if he has any property here, if he's used his credit cards. We interrupted his revenge plan and now he wants revenge on us for that. We aren't safe. You will all go to your apartments with the people you slept with last night. Go to each of your apartments or houses and get as many clothes, shoes, or anything else you'll need to last you a while. We will be staying at the bureau until further notice. If things start to get bad, your families will go into WITSEC. JJ and Emily get your stuff first. Then Morgan and Garcia can go, then Rossi and I will go. And Reid and Y/N can go get their stuff last." Aaron finishes.

Everyone walks out of the briefing room, and you're left with JJ.

"Everything will be ok, you shouldn't worry. We'll catch him, we always do." JJ whispers to you with a smile. You nod and give her a small smile back.

It's not that you don't think you'll catch him, you're one hundred percent certain you will. The thing that has you worried is what will happen in between the time that you haven't caught him and when you finally do.

A/N: i think this might have been a filler chapter. Kind of feels that way because I had no idea how to transition into what was going to happen next. Originally there were some lines with reader and Spencer flirting, but it didn't feel right so those are gone. But all in due time will we get to what I'm sure you're all here for. Hope you enjoyed. 

- L 

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