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Hey peeps, so I just wanted to sort of explain why my updating schedule is so varied at the moment.
So I write on paper which I believe I've said before so I always have chapters to publish, however, as any other writers may be aware, typing up ideas can be quite boring at times.
Another thing is that currently I'm dealing with lots of issues with my family. I won't go into full details now but I have never had a great relationship with my father and he's been very in and out of my life, but I have cause some bad arguments and things between us. I'm also dealing with some confused feeling with my mental health among other things.
I hope you guys can understand that and please don't think I'm saying this for attention or so I can have your sympathy or anything like that because I'm not but I just want you guys to know I'm not quitting or anything just, trying to figure myself out whilst sorting out family issues.
Thanks peeps


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