chapter twelve

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The Canyon got crowded fast, Aisha sending the word out rather quickly. Other people had brought alcohol so there was enough to go around.

"Okay, so what is this?" Iris giggled as Hawk mixed a bunch of liquids together in a red solo cup.

"Vodka, Redbull and a splash of lemonade." Iris' nose scrunched up in disgust as Hawk held it out to her. She took the cup smelling it, the smell made her want to throw up but she took a sip anyway.

"Oh my God, that's terrible." Iris began to cough, holding the cup out for Hawk to take. He laughed, quickly taking the cup from his girlfriend.

"It can't be that bad." Hawk rolled his eyes at the girl when she finally finished coughing. He took a quick sip, instantly regretting it. "Yeah, no that's bad."

"Hey, no, no." Iris quickly stopped him from dumping out the awful mixture. "You make it, you drink it. It's a rule."

"Fine, but you have to drink it too." Iris gasped as she watched Hawk dump half the mixture into a second cup. "First to finish...get's a surprise." Hawk smirked over to the girl who's face flushed red. "On three." People began to gather around the couple who were about to have a drink off.

"One." Iris didn't look away from Hawk's eyes.

"Two." Hawk brought the cup to his lips, getting ready to start to drink, Iris doing the same.

"Three!" The crowd finished the countdown for them, both of them throwing their heads back to drink the awful mixture. Iris swallowed the last bit of the drink before crushing her cup and throwing it in the sand. The crowd went wild as Iris finished her cup before Hawk was able to. He slowly brought the cup away from his mouth, the liquid inside now gone.

"Let me make the drink this time." Hawk pushed his girlfriend's shoulder jokingly but allowed her to make him and herself a drink. She filled the red solo cup halfway with lemonade and then added about 1/4 vodka. "Easy vodka lemonade. A classic for a reason." The two tapped their drinks together before taking a sip. "You owe me a surprise by the way."

"Let's wait for it to get a little darker, yeah?" Iris felt her cheeks heat up as he pulled her back against his chest. More and more people began to show up to the Canyon, it quickly became a huge party.

Iris found herself sitting on a log next to Hawk, but they weren't talking. His lips were on hers and his hands were on her cheeks. Iris pulled away to catch her breath, smiling up at her blue haired boyfriend.

"So, when can I get that surprise?"

"How's now?" Iris was about to open her mouth when Aisha called her name. She looked over to see her and Moon waving for her to come over.

"Give me a second." She gave him a quick kiss, picking up her vodka lemonade and walking over to the two girls.

"So, you and Hawk look pretty cozy." Moon chuckled as Iris' cheeks turned red. She looked over to see Demetri and Hawk talking, that made her really happy. She hoped that they could work out whatever problem that was going on between them.

"Yeah, he's pretty great." Iris turned back towards the two girls who were leaning towards her in suspense.

"Oh come on! Details woman, details!" Iris laughed at Aisha's pushiness but giving in anyway.

"Oh my God, he's such a good kisser." The girl swooned just thinking about his lips on hers. "I don't know what happened but it's like he suddenly knows where and when to touch me and I've only felt it on my leg and it was under his pants's not yknow." Iris lifted up her pinky and wiggled it around. "It's more like...this." Iris looked around on the ground before picking up an empty beer bottle. The two girls gasped before laughing at the girl's analogy. "He's just so hot, I don't-"

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