chapter thirty-six

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"This is day one." Iris stood in the middle of a park next to Miguel, trying her hardest to take Sensei Lawrence seriously. "We've been here before. But things are different now. They tried to tare us down. It didn't work! They said we needed a roof and four walls. Screw that! This park...will be our new dojo. Cause you don't need a dojo to be a dojo." 

Iris scrunched her eyebrows in confusion, her lips thinning as she attempted to understand what her Sensei meant. 

"Is that understood?" Iris shook her head no but still replied with the rest of the students. 

"Yes, Sensei!" 

"I started Cobra Kai with one nerd." Miguel looked up to his Sensei, knowing he was talking about him. "Then reluctantly got a more sarcastic, slightly less nerdy, nerd." Iris smirked up to her Sensei, winking as he rolled his eyes at the girl. "This is a step up. And if we're gonna be taken seriously, we need a name that commands respect. A name that elicits power and dominance. Cobras are strong. They may be the king of the jungle, but the world's more than just a jungle. And there's only one animal...that can kill a snake."

"A mongoose?" Iris smiled over to Bert, trying to hold in her laughter when she noticed Sensei Lawrence's face. 

"A real animal, Bert." Iris mumbled a quiet 'oh my God', her hand covering her mouth as she tried to figure out how this man graduated high school. Sensei Lawrence reached down to the box he brought, pulling out a red t-shirt. 

" Eagle Fang Karate." Iris' nose scrunched up at the name, it not having a very good flow to it. The boys whispered in amazement as Sensei Lawrence unraveled the t-shirt.

"Literally anything would have been better than that." Sensei Lawrence rolled his eyes at Iris, throwing the t-shirt at her face. 

"Uh, eagles don't have fang-" Sensei Lawrence picked up another t-shirt and threw it at Mitch's face this time. 

"Put 'em on." Iris sighed as Sensei Lawrence began to hand out the rest of the t-shirts. She slipped the t-shirt, which was a little big on her, over her black long sleeve. 

"Anyone else feeling a little snug?" Iris looked over to Mitch and couldn't help but laugh, the girl only laughing harder when she heard her Sensei's response. 

"Do some more sit-ups." Iris shook her head, saying a quick apology for laughing as Sensei Lawrence began the class. "Alright, everybody fall in!" They all straightened up, Iris beginning to smile when she spotted spiky red hair from behind a bush. 

"Sensei, look." Sensei Lawrence turned around to see Hawk and a few other Cobra Kai members walking towards them. 

"Still got it." The man turned to smile back at his students. "Alright, everybody. Looks like our class just got bigger. Make room." Iris' smile dropped slightly when she saw Kyler and Tory walk around the bush. Her smile falling completely when Kreese walked around the same bush. 

"I told you. Cobra Kai for life." Iris looked over to Hawk, a hurt expression on her face that Hawk tried to ignore. 

"Don't worry, Johnny. I'm not here for a fight." Iris watched as the older man stepped up to Sensei Lawrence, taking his sunglasses off so they could see his eyes. 

"Yeah? Then why the hell are you here?" 

"I'd like to make you another offer to come back to Cobra Kai where you belong." Kreese looked back to Iris before turning his attention back to Sensei Lawrence. 

"You're crazy if you think I'm ever teaming up with you again. The garbage you're feeding them, the shit they're pulling, it's messed up." Sensei Lawrence looked behind Kreese at all of his old students, making sure that they knew he was talking to them. "And you're to blame for that."

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