chapter thirty-three

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"Ugh, fuck." Iris' eyes fluttered open, instantly closing as the light hurt her head. She held her hand to shield her eyes. 

"Language, Ms. Montague." 

"Sorry." Iris' voice was horse as she apologized to the school nurse. "Can you turn the light off, it's too bright." Iris waited as she heard the woman stand up. After a few seconds the lights were out and she slowly opened her eyes. 

She watched as the nurse walked over to the small fridge, pulling out an ice pack and wrapping it in a brown paper towel. The nurse walked over to her and handed Iris the ice. 

"I already called your grandmother, she's coming to pick you up to take you to the hospital. They have to make sure you didn't break your stitches." Iris nodded sadly, looking down at her hands. "Your boyfriend left this. You weren't awake when he stopped by, so." 

"He's not my-"

"I really don't care." Iris nodded, mumbling a quick 'right' as she took the paper from the woman's hands. She opened it up and in Hawk's familiar bad handwriting was;

'No detention! I didn't even have to say anything cause once he heard that Demetri tackled you, even though he knew you had a head injury it was over for Miyagi-Do. Text me when you can, let me know what happens at the doctor's. This is Eli by the way, yknow just in case you "forgot" again ;)'

Iris smiled down at the letter, laughing a little at his joke at the end. The nurse watching the girl with raised eyebrows.

"Not my boyfriend, my ass." The woman whispered to herself as the young girl stared dreamily at the note in her hands. 

Iris cringed slightly as the phone began to ring, the nurse quickly picking it up to stop the noise. 

"Nurse's office. Yes. Okay, will do. Alright, I'll send her down." The nurse hung up the phone before looking over to the girl. "Your grandmother is here. I'm hoping you can find yourself out?" Iris nodded towards the woman, slowly standing up from the bed. 

"Thanks." Iris looked back at the woman before walking out of the room. She walked down the hallway, holding the ice to her head as she made her way out to the front of the school, spotting her grandmother's car immediately. 


"Alright, your stitches look fine." Iris' doctor walked in front of the girl, holding his hand out in front of the girl's face. "You said you were sensitive to the light? And loud noises?" 

'Yeah. Even still a bit now." Iris cringed as he lifted up a pen with a light on the end, putting the light right into her left eye. 

"It looks like you have a minor concussion. Because of your accident, your brain is a little more sensitive than the normal person's. It shouldn't last very long, a week or two at the latest." Iris nodded as the doctor pulled away. 

"Gram, I'm gonna go see Miguel is that alright?" Iris looked over to her grandmother who was talking with the doctor, the two adults turning to the girl. 

"Yeah, of course." Iris smiled before jumping off the examination table and walking towards the door. She pushed it open and walked towards the elevator. She pressed the button for the fourth floor, bouncing on her heels as she watched the elevator go up. 

She cringed at the loud ding, the doors slowly opening to let her out. She made her way down the hall and saw Miguel's door. As she walked closer she heard a voice. 

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