chapter thirty-four

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"Man, it was just so sick! Tory was just kickin' ass. I took care of Chris. Oh, and Hawk got that beta Demetri in an arm bar like Chris Jericho and just..." Mitch stood at the front of the class, explaining to them the events of the previous night's fight. As he mimicked Demetri's arm breaking, Hawk's face fell. "Cold blooded. No mercy."

"Way to go, Hawk." The boy quickly put on a front, smirking to his friends as they congratulated him.

"You know, I didn't think you were actually gonna do it." Tory cautiously walked up to the boy, afraid that he was going to try to bite her head off.

"Yeah, well they got what they deserved for what they did to Miguel." He stared at the girl with a blank expression, not wanting the girl to know that he was upset.

"Just like how I'll get what I deserve for what happened to Iris?" Tory looked down at her feet, guilt eating away at her.

"Yeah, exactly." Hawk's attention was grabbed by the door to the dojo opening. His eyes went wide and his heart dropped when he saw who walked in.

Kyler. And right beside him, Brucks.

"Class. Welcome our new students." Hawk looked back at Sensei Kreese for a moment before looking back at his old bullies.

"I'm gonna call you guys...Chodenose and Taintbreath." Mitch laughed, looking back to the other students as he tried to embarrass the new students.

"What the hell did you just say?" Kyler walked towards the boy, Mitch instantly cowering back.

"Oh, uh, nothing. It's just a thing we do around here sometimes." Kyler lunged forward making the boy flinch back.

"Sensei, I don't think these guys are Cobra Kai material." Hawk walked over to his Sensei, trying to see if he could convince the older man to go back on his idea.

"Weren't you the one saying that we should get new recruits?" Sensei Kreese looked down at Hawk, as the door chimed again signaling someone else walked into the dojo.

"Well, yeah. But...look, I know some of these guys and they're-"

"Natural athletes." Sensei Kreese cut the boy off, looking over to the group smiling as he noticed someone who did not fit. "Which is exactly what's been missing in our dojo."

Iris walked into the Cobra Kai dojo, not expecting there to be so many people lined up at the door. She excused herself and slipped through the crowd of people, looking around for the familiar red mohawk.

"No way, Iris?" Iris turned around at the sound of her name, a small smile on her face as an Asian boy and chubby white kid looked at her. "Do you remember us?" Iris shook her head softly as the two boys chuckled. "I'm Brucks, we used to be close."

Iris crossed her arms over her chest, not liking how the two boys were snickering at what the chubby one had said.

"Iris!" The girl turned quickly at the familiar voice, Hawk walking quickly over to the girl. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to the other side of the room before looking down at her. "What are you doing here?"

"I really need to talk to you about something. It's serious, Eli." Hawk looked down at the girl ready to hear her out when Sensei Kreese called for all his students to fall in.

"Tell me after?" Iris sighed before nodding quickly, Hawk leaning down and kissing her head without realizing it. Iris felt herself blush at the boy's action as it caught her off guard, but tried to push it away as she listened to Sensei Kreese speak.

"Joining Cobra Kai is a privilege. It's not a gift. Which is why our recruits must earn their position in this dojo." Hawk looked back, seeing Kyler stand with his arms crossed over his chest. "Prepare yourselves for combat. Only the strong will survive."

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