chapter four

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TW: This chapter talks about rape and sexual abuse. If you are not comfortable with these topics I advise you to read with caution. 

Saturday rolled around slowly. The small body of Iris Montague was limp under the heavy comforter. She hadn't moved an inch from where Eli laid her down the previous night. The events flooding her mind when she opened her eyes, locking them on the door to her bathroom. 

"Eli? Oh dear, what happened!?" Iris' grandmother opened the front door, allowing Eli to carry the girl inside her apartment. Eli tried to explain the situation to the distraught woman, who only began to cry once he finished. The boy walked quickly to the girl's room, attempting to set her down on her bed. Iris quickly reacted when she no longer felt the warmth of Eli's touch. 

"Eli?" The young girl cried out, reaching out to touch the boy. He crouched in front of her, his face appearing in her line of vision. A small comforting smile stretched across his face as he held her hands in his, this time offering her comfort. 

"Hey, I'm right here. You're gonna be okay."

Iris pushed herself up from her bed, letting her legs dangle off the side. She looked down, half expecting to see the nurse's costume still clinging to her body. To her relief she instead was in sweatpants and a t-shirt. She picked at the hem of the fraying shirt, recognizing it almost immediately. 

"Demetri! Seriously?" 13 year old Iris glared at the brown haired boy, who only laughed at his friend who was now covered in water. It was currently 2 am in the Moskowitz house, the three friends having one of their sleepovers. These sleepovers consisted of movies, games, salt and vinegar chips, sour skittles, and to Iris' displeasure pranks. 

Now don't get me wrong, Iris loved to pull pranks. But it always seemed that the two boys paired up against the only girl, making her the butt of all their pranks. This sleepover was no exception. 

"I'm sorry, Iris. I told him that this would be too far but he didn't listen." Eli couldn't help the smile that pulled at his lips when he noticed the prank worked. The two boys had placed a small bucket of water over the door, if you opened the door more the bucket would fall. 

The girl stood in the door way, arms crossed and a scowl on her face. Her One Direction t-shirt clung to her body and water dripped from her hair onto the floor. Iris couldn't push back her smile causing the two boys to laugh even harder. 

Eventually Eli composed himself enough to walk up to his room, bringing down a towel and a dry t-shirt. Iris shivered as she snatched the two fabrics from his grasp, walking quickly into the bathroom. 

Iris looked up into the mirror in her bathroom, not realizing she had stood up until she saw herself looking back in the mirror. The same t-shirt Eli gave her two years ago was hugging her body, still lose enough to tell it didn't originally belong to her. The t-shirt had a large Hershey Kiss printed on the front and in cursive written under was Hershey Park. The once black shirt was faded to a dark gray as a result of how often Iris wore the shirt. 

Iris looked over to the shower, seeing that there was a towel still laid on the floor and bubbles still near the drain. 

"Iris, come on let's get you cleaned up." Eli tried to help the girl up off her bed and bring her to the running shower. The girl clung to him like a wet rag, refusing to let go. "Iris, I can't come in the shower with you. I'll be right here when you get out, I promise." As much as Eli would have loved to join the girl he knew that that was the last thing he should do. This was not the time to be a horny teen. 

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