chapter thirty-eight

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Sensei LaRusso stood in front of his students, smiling out at them. Sam smiled up at her dad, taking her eyes away from him when she spotted Miguel. She smiled over to the boy who stood outside of the Miyagi-Do dojo. Sensei LaRusso looked over and watched as Miguel walked forward. Hawk following close behind. 

Hawk smiled uneasily at the man, unsure if he would want him to join. Mitch and Bert followed behind the two boys, small smiles on their faces as they reunited with their old friends. 

Miguel stood besides Sam, smiling down at the girl.

Hawk walked over to Demetri, dabbing the boy up before standing proudly next to his old best friend. 

Mitch walked up to Chris, the two instantly pulling each other in for a hug. 

Bert walked over to Nathaniel, the two small boys doing their handshake before standing together. 

They all watched as Iris rounded the corner, Sensei Lawrence besides her. Iris looked out at the group, smiling softly as they looked back at her. Unlike everyone else, she didn't have anyone to stand with, at least that's what she assumed. 

She locked eyes with Demetri first, the lanky boy smiling over to her, nodding his head to tell her to come over. She looked over to Hawk who smiled, raising his brows as he waited for the girl to walk over. 

She slowly walked over to the two, walking past Miguel and Sam and smiling at the couple. Demetri reached down and grabbed the girls hand, helping her up onto the platform that the two stood on. The two boys pulling her in to a hug as soon as she gained her footing. 

Iris smiled, closing her eyes as she gained comfort in between her two best friends. They pulled away, Iris smiling up at them as they pushed her in between them. They looked ahead to see both Sensei LaRusso and Sensei Lawrence standing at the front. 

The two Sensei's bowed, Iris and the rest of the students doing the same. They watched as the two older men turned to each other and bowed. 

"This should be interesting." Demetri and Hawk both chuckled at Iris comment as they waited for one of the Sensei's to begin training. 

"You ready?" Iris' smile grew as she watched the two men, happy that they were able to put aside their differences and work together. 

"Let's begin!" After all, your enemies, enemy is your friend. 


AN: I know this chapter was like stupidly short, but I just couldn't put this in the last chapter, I needed it to end the way it did I just think it was so fitting. But anyway...IRIS is complete now :( but don't worry as soon as Season 4 comes out Iris and all her friends will be back in action. Until you all <3

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