chapter thirty

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"It was two weeks ago today at West Valley High, where what can only be described as an all-out karate riot caught students and faculty off-guard, sending shock waves through the Valley." Iris glanced up at the television in her room for a moment before turning her attention back to her song book. The news continued to play in the background as she wrote more lyrics to a new song she was working on.

It's been about a week since Eli last visited her, and since he's been gone, she hasn't gotten very far with regaining any more of her memories. She has improved greatly on her reading, she can finally understand the writing in her song book and she's even able to write again.

"Earlier today, students organized a peaceful gathering of prayer and song." Iris looked up at the tv as a strangely familiar voice rang through the speakers.

"We don't have to punch. Hey, let's go get some brunch and be friends." Iris scoffed and quickly raised the remote to turn off the television. Once the tv was off Iris scrunched her eyebrows in surprise, wondering why she had such a strong disgust towards that girl.

Deciding she needed to get out of her room she closed the book quickly, and stood up from her bed. She looked out into the hallway, before stepping out to walk towards coma boy's room. She was informed by her grandmother that his name was Miguel Diaz, and that he was her neighbor. He had gotten injured in the same fight she did, so the two had some stuff in common.

"Miggy. It's mama. I love you so much, my baby." Iris walked up to the door seeing Miguel's mom and grandmother already there. "Please come back to us. We're right here." Iris moved away from the door, standing next to it instead, wanting to offer them some privacy. "I hope you can her me, mijo."

"He can." Carmen looked up at the nurse who stood across from them. "Just remind him you're here. Talk about things he loves." Iris took a deep breath before turning the corner and walking into the room. The two Diaz women turned around, smiling softly at the girl.

"Oh, cariño." Carmen Diaz held her arms out to the girl, pulling her into a tight hug. She kept her arm around the younger girl as they all turned back to Miguel. Iris listened as Miguel's grandmother began to speak to him in Spanish, the two women laughing softly at what she said. "We love you, Miggy." The two woman smiled at Iris before walking out of the room.

Iris sat down on the boy's bed softly, not wanting to disturb the boy. She grabbed his hand in hers, giving it a tight squeeze.

"Hey, Miguel. I don't know if you remember me, I know I sure as hell don't remember you." Iris lightly laughed at her own joke, hoping Miguel could hear it so he could laugh with her. "Anyway, bad jokes aside. I just wanted to update you, um I'm pretty sure they opened school back up again. That means everyone but us is there. I'm still not completely sure why they won't discharge me, but hey at least that means I get to annoy your ass all day, everyday. You can't even tell me to stop, but if you really wanted to that's all you'd have to say..."

Iris watched the boy with raised eyebrows, hoping that her trick would work. She visibly deflated as the boy didn't move, her tactic once again backfiring on her.

"Iris?" The girl stood up from the side of Miguel's bed quickly, looking over to see a man with blonde hair and a lot of bruises on his face. "Right, amnesia. Um, I'm Johnny Lawrence." When Iris watched the man, still no emotion on her face making the man sigh. "Sensei Lawrence?"

"Oh, hi." The girl gulped, looking up at the man who stared at her and Miguel. "Did you want to..." Iris pointed over to Miguel making Mr. Lawrence nod.

"Uh, yeah, but I wanted to see you too." The girl straightened up a bit, wondering what the man had wanted to say to her. "I wanted to say I'm sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. It's all my fault." The man began to tear up making the girl smile sadly at him.

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