chapter thirty-seven

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"Come on, Iris. Please?" Miguel stood in front of Iris' front door, begging the girl to come with him. Iris stood with her arms crossed over her chest, unsure if she wanted to go to a high school party. Iris sighed, eventually giving in to Miguel's puppy dog eyes. 

"Fine." Miguel instantly smiled, pulling an ugly Christmas sweater from behind his back. He threw it towards the girl, the sweater landing on her head and covering her face. The two walked over to Mitch's car that was parked outside of their apartment complex, the two sliding into the backseat. 

"What kind of party did you say this was?" Mitch looked back to Miguel in the rearview mirror, Iris noticing the boy shift uncomfortably. 

"Uh, a keg party." Mitch nodded, the boy easily being convinced. Iris however watched Miguel, not believing the boy's words. Iris shrugged the ugly sweater on, looking down to see an old fashion Santa head with the words, 'It's Lit' were written on the top. 

Iris let out an airy laugh, looking over to Miguel with her brows raised. He smiled over to the girl as Mitch pulled into a driveway. The group got out of the car, slowly walking up to the front door. Miguel reached out and rang the doorbell as the group reached the door, Sam quickly opening the door showing the boys of Miyagi-Do. 

"Oh, hell no." Chris was quick to jump off the couch, Demetri and the other boys following as they walked over to the door. "You've got to be kidding me." 

"The hell are you doing here? This isn't a keg party." Mitch looked over to Miguel, a confused expression on his face as he ripped the Santa hat off his head. "I bought this hat for nothing!" 

" parent trapped us?" Demetri looked to Sam and Miguel, slowly understanding what was going on. "Why?" 

"Look I know we haven't always gotten along, but Cobra Kai is the bigger threat now." Sam turned to talk to Demetri, slowly turning to look back at Miguel. "To all of us."

"We think we'd stand a better chance against them if we joined forces." Iris scoffed, rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Two dojos are stronger than one." The small group of teens whispered to each other, neither group too happy about the decision. "I know we've all done shitty things." 

"Yeah, like breaking Demetri's arm?" Chris looked towards Mitch, anger obvious in his voice as Demetri nodded. 

"You started that fight." Mitch tried to defend himself, looking only to Chris.

"After you almost got me fired." The two boys got close to each other, getting in each other's faces. 

"God, I hate your stupid face so much." Iris looked down to Bert, who walked closer to Nathaniel. Iris tried not to laugh at the two small boys getting in each other's faces. 

"If you died, I wouldn't even attend your funeral."

"Oh my God." Iris shook her head, dropping it into her hand as she listened to the four teens argue. 

"This isn't going to work." Miguel looked to Sam, worry covering his face. 

"It has to." Sam looked to Miguel before getting the groups attention. "We have one last chance to make things right. Alone, we're nothing. But if we work together, we have a shot. If we can't get over the past, the fighting will never end. We have to confront our enemies. This rivalry has to stop. One way or another." The group went silent, all thinking about what Sam had said. 

"Well, that was inspiring. Really." The group looked to Iris who was the first to speak up. The girl clapped her hands together before looking to Sam. "Have anything to drink?"

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