chapter twenty-three

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Iris stood with Tory and Aisha in the middle of the dojo, the girl dressed in black leggings and a tight blue running jacket. Her hair was up in a ponytail as she felt guilt eat at her, glancing Hawk's way from time to time. 

"Everybody, get your gis on. Training starts in five minutes." Iris looked to Aisha and Tory, confusion on all of the girl's faces. "Yeah, what's wrong?"

"N-Nothing's wrong." Miguel stuttered as the class approached their Sensei. "I just thought we were going to the woods for a special training today."

"What's happening in the woods?" Sensei Lawrence looked back at Sensei Kreese before turning his attention back to his students. 

"Well, I thought it was a good time to separate the men from the boys." Iris raised her eyebrows at the man as he looked back at the three girls. "And the girls too, I suppose."


"Coyote Creek." Sensei Kreese looked to Sensei Lawrence with a small smirk on his face. 

"I'm not sure they're ready for that." Sensei Lawrence sighed before whispering to the older man, it doing nothing since the students were close enough to hear them. 

"There's only one way to find out." 

"We're ready, Sensei." Iris looked over to Hawk, the feeling of guilt filling her stomach. "We wanna prove ourselves." Sensei Lawrence looked over his group of students, thinking to himself if he should let Sensei Kreese get away with this. 

"It's up to Sensei Lawrence. If he says it's okay, then, and only then, is it okay." Sensei Lawrence stood silent for a few more moments, looking over to Sensei Kreese before looking back at his students. His eyes falling on Miguel. 

"Alright, what are you waiting for? Let's go." Iris smiled a bit as the students began to get their bags. Iris, Miguel, Tory, and Aisha all pilled into Hawk's car. This time Miguel got into the passengers seat and the three girls all piled into the back seat. 

The ride to Coyote Creek was mainly quiet, Iris stealing glances Hawk's way unsure of how she should feel. Yeah, he did cheat on her with the girl he told her not to worry about. But she kissed his best friend, who she told him not to worry about. They were both terrible people for that. 

The last time Iris glanced up to Hawk was when he pulled into the parking lot. She glanced up at him in the rear view mirror, seeing that he was already looking back at her. She sent him a small smile before pushing herself out of the car. 

The small group walked into the woods, quickly finding both Sensei Lawrence and Sensei Kreese. Sensei Lawrence held black headbands and Sensei Kreese held red ones. They handed them out one by one, Iris getting a black one from Sensei Lawrence. 

They all lined up, Miguel and Tory being on the black team with Iris. Aisha and Hawk being on the red team. 

"Gentlemen, ladies. Welcome to Coyote Creek." Sensei Kreese walked down the middle of the two teams, holding the extra red headband in his hands. "You've been split into two teams. Red...and black. The goal is to capture as many headbands as possible from the other side. Today, the people across from you are not your friends." 

Aisha looked over to the black side, seeing Iris staring back at her with a fake mean look on her face. Aisha had to look to the floor to keep herself from laughing as Sensei Kreese walked closer to them. 

"They're not your brothers." Hawk and Miguel looked towards each other, each giving the other a competitive smirk. "They are the enemy. The last team standing...wins."

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