chapter fourteen

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Hawk made it to the semi-finals with Miguel and Robby. Aisha didn't. Iris watched as the girl grabbed her bag and stomped away. Iris wanted to get up and go after her but she looked down at the ice pack on her leg and knew she wasn't going anywhere.

"Yes! Let's give it up for all our competitors. You're all winners. We have seen some great fighting today, haven't we?" The crowd cheered, Iris clapping along with the rest of Cobra Kai as they looked up at Hawk and Miguel standing proudly next to Sensei Lawrence. "There can be only one true winner, and he is standing on this stage right now. Will it be Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai Karate?" Iris and the rest of Cobra Kai cheered loudly as Miguel was called first. "Will it be Hawk...well, I guess it's just 'Hawk' from Cobra Kai Karate?" Again the Cobra Kai kids cheered loudly, Hawk looked over and locked eyes on Iris. She gave him a smile and a thumbs up as the announcer moved on. "Will it be Robby Keene, unaffiliated? And last but certainly not least, last year's champion, fighting out of Topanga Karate, Xander Stone!"

Iris flinched back in surprise as Xander lunged forward and did a flip, landing in front of the announcer and taking the mic out of his hand.

"I just wanted to say, even though I love to fight, we all need to fight together against hatred." Iris held back a laugh as the crowd began to cheer at Xander's speech. "And as I look around this arena, I pray for every race, religion and gender that we can all live together in peace. Please join me in a moment of silence as we strive to end intolerance in our time." Iris looked around before bowing her head. The arena was silent for a moment until the announcer took the microphone away from the boy in blue.

"Alright! First up, Stone versus Diaz! Let's go!" Iris cheered as Miguel and Xander got into their positions on the mat. Once the fight began the two lunged at each other, quickly throwing punches and kicks. Xander was able to block the kicks that Miguel threw his way but eventually Miguel got the upper hand and Xander fell to the floor.

"Yes, Miguel!" Iris cheered from her seated position in-between Sensei Lawrence and Hawk, the two men cheering the boy on as well.

"That's two, one, Diaz!" The two boys got back into fighting positions, Miguel letting out a loud yell as he did.

"Stay on offense!" Sensei Lawrence yelled out encouraging words to the boy as they began to circle each other. Every no and then one of them would throw a punch or kick towards the other. Iris was on the edge of her seat, literally and figuratively, as Miguel turned and kicked Xander in the stomach earning him his third point.

"AHHHH! Good job Miggy!" Iris screamed in excitement along with her teammates as Miguel made his way over to them.

"Miguel Diaz is headed to the finals." Miguel bent down and gave Iris a hug as she congratulated him for the second time. "Next up, Hawk versus Keene."

"Something wrong Sensei?" Iris looked up to see Hawk watching their Sensei, the man looking slightly uncomfortable.

"No. Show him what you got." At his Sensei's okay, Hawk and Miguel did their handshake before Hawk jumped onto the mat. Iris began to cheer with the crowd as the two approached each other.

"Prepare to face the fury of the Hawk."

"Face me. Bow." The two boys faced the referee, bowing before turning to each other. "Face each other. Bow. Fighting positions. Ready? And fight!"

Keene lunged first, sending multiple kicks Hawk's way. Hawk blocked them all and quickly got Keene to the ground and struck his stomach, similar to the way Keene took out Iris.

"One point, Hawk!" Iris cheered on her boyfriend as he got back in his spot and waited for Keene to get up. When the referee called for fighting positions Keene stayed still, not moving from his deep breath pose. Hawk lunged forward quickly lifting his legs up to kick, Keene blocking everything Hawk threw his way.

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