chapter eighteen

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Valley Fest. 

Iris' favorite part of summer. The rides, the food, the atmosphere. Everything about it made her extremely happy and for some reason, this year she stood away from the crowd not happy at all. 

She watched as Hawk stood with Demetri and Moon, normally she wouldn't jump to conclusions but she also wasn't stupid. She watched as Moon gazed up at him, reaching out to touch his arm. Hawk smiled down at her and motioned up to his mohawk, the girl reaching up to touch it. 

"I don't usually let people touch it, but yknow I'll make an exception for you." Demetri shifted uncomfortably as he watched his best friend flirt with the girl in front of him. He looked around the crowd, hoping that Iris wasn't anywhere near. Hawk smirked at the girl, getting a high off of her attraction towards him as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. 

Iris scoffed, looking away from the group. She spotted Miguel and Aisha and walked over to the pair before anyone could see her. 

"Distract me." The two looked over to the girl who stood, fuming. Iris looked up at the two who just stared back at her, rolling her eyes she yelled at the two. "Now!" 

"Okay, damn." Miguel and Aisha jumped before Miguel reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her through the crowd. Miguel and Aisha tried to cheer up the girl by going on rides, playing games and getting food but nothing seemed to help the girl out of her bad mood. 

It began to get dark and the three had to make their way over to Sensei Lawrence and change into their gis. 

"Okay, what the hell is your problem." Aisha stopped the girl, turning around so that she faced Iris. Miguel soon stopped as well and turned towards Iris with a concerned expression. Iris let out a loud sigh, crossing her arms and looking down at her feet.

"I saw Eli, flirting with Moon." The two looked towards each other in shock, not understanding why Hawk was acting that way. "She was touching his hair and he put his arm around her. Ugh, I just...I don't want to think about it right now I might kill one of you." Iris pushed past the two and walked over to Sensei Lawrence, ignoring Hawk who greeted her. 

"What is he playing at?" Miguel watched Hawk, shaking his head at his best friends actions. 

"I don't know, but he needs to get his shit together." Aisha looked over to Miguel with a sigh as the two walked over to their team. The group getting dressed in their gi as Miyagi-Do started their presentation. 

"Pathetic." Sensei Lawrence spat at the competing karate dojo, looking up to one of the electricians he nodded his head and all the lights went out. 

"Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!" The Cobra Kai students marched in two lines, one lead by Miguel and the other by Hawk as they approached the bigger stage. A rock song, picked by Sensei Lawrence of course, played through the speakers as a large Cobra Kai banner opened on the stage. 

The students gathered on the stage and got into position. They went through their normal warm up drills, adding a few kicks for dramatic effect. Once they finished sparks flew up from the ends of the stage, lighting them up more than before. 

"Cobras, show them what real karate looks like!" Sensei Lawrence yelled from the sidelines as Miguel and four other students stayed on stage. They all began to spar, Miguel easily taking the less experienced fighters down. "Yes!"

Next up was Aisha, she placed a black blindfold over her eyes and four students held up boards. One after the other she broke all four perfectly. Iris cheered from the sidelines as Aisha tore off the blindfold, smiling out into the crowd. 

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